What information do you have to put on a website


Registered User
I am creating a website for my small business.

Is there any information I have to legally put on it?

Company number?
Vat number?
Contact details?

Regarding contact details, I have the company registered at my home address, so would not really want that displayed. Also, landline number is to the house, screaming kids in background etc, so dont really want to put that - I will put the mobile no. though.

Anything else?
The ODCE website lists the information that limited companies must display on their websites. As far as I remember, this includes registered office details. These requirements do not apply to sole traders.

Each one to their own, but people might wonder about a business that has no landline number listed.
VAT number is not required, that only needs to go invoices you raise to your customers.
eBay dont list an address you can visit, or a number you can ring - Email is the way they will communicate.

EBay are well know. After years of reading about issues people have here dealing with online businesses, I never deal with a site that doesn't list a physical address and land line phone number. Too many of them go to the wall, taking people's money with them.
Ok, fair enough - What about other info, such as privacy policies etc. Are there any guidelines around what a business must have on its site?
From Companies Registration Office

Don't forget the privacy policy page, if you are running a service based company in which you provide services to clients/customers at their locations you can get a POBOX or a virtual office just to get a different business address.
Do a search on Google for mailboxes nearby your location and you will find many options to choose from, they can be rented monthly or yearly for a few dollars per month. Important make sure you are not getting one that looks like this: Bus Name, POBOX 24, City, ZIP, State

Get one like this: Bus Name, 123 Main st, Suite #321, City, ZIP, State - This format makes you look legit.