What happened to global warming?

They changed it to "climate change" when they found out they were wrong.

The earth was getting hotter , now it's getting colder. And soon enough it will get hotter again.

It goes in cycles. The last mini ice age was only 500 years ago , and they came just after the Medieval Warm Period.
It was created for 2 reasons:

1) To scare the masses - always have to keep them scared.

2) To allow Gov's to tax the bejesus out of us.

Now we have the recession, and people couldn't give a rat's ass about the planet - they are more interested in paying bills and their jobs.
There's a large community of scientists who also believe that the whole global warming thing (to use the phrase above) is a load of cak.

Recall seing David Bellamy on the Late Late last season - where he and others put all the change down to sun spots & the effect they have on the planet. Made for interesting listening.
What really happened is that the non-alarmist and non-political side of the scientific community were the closest.

Not those who had research to publish, funding to gain, funding from either the "green" movement or the "sceptic" movement, just those who have a knowledge of climatology and research it.

Temperature, weather and climate are linked, but are different. There were always going to be fluctuations in temperature, but there have been changes in climate.

The same scientific community were always quiet on the validity of some of the "scientific consensus" evidence, like the hocky stick graph, because it had some big weaknesses and relied on several bits of major guess work to patch it together.

They would say that there is enough evidence to show that greenhouse gases derrived from man-made sources can and have impacted on climate. There isn't enough evidence to show that this will lead to runaway global warming, but there is enough evidence to show it can impact climate. The full impact though on this, when trying to measure against what might have happened naturally is difficult.

Unfortunately, they give out Nobel Prizes to ex-politicians for power point presentations that exaggerate much of the real science and this doesn't help.

Temperature will always fluctuate and we've only recently (in a historicaly sense) established accurate ways of measuring this. Existing weather stations are poorly maintained and aren't in ideal locations, that's why satalite readings are used in real data. But, the climate is changing, winters are milder and dryer, summers are wetter.
There was an interesting article in the Sunday Times yesterday which is summarised quite well [broken link removed]
There was an interesting article in the Sunday Times yesterday which is summarised quite well [broken link removed]

Henrik Svensmark is a classic example of how the media portays this. The most energetic criticisms of Svensmark's work came from non-scientific, political sources who had vested interests in websites, media appearances and political careers. The real scientific community saw the theory, thought hmmmm, interesting, now let's test it. Which is kind of what scientists do.

The Times article makes out that the "green" scientists completely dismissed the theory of the sun's role in climate change, yet this just isn't true, in fact there are huge experiments underway at CERN to test the theory. If scientists had dismissed the theory out of hand, they wouldn't be engaging in an expensive set of tests since 2006.

However, yet again, the media's idea of "fair and balanced" is to get two complete nut jobs at opposite extremes and let them spew ill informed, agenda driven cr*p while completely skipping over the true consensus somewhere in the middle.