What hapens if ATM card stolen abroad?


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Will be going to Barcelona for a few days in August. Have heard a lot of stories about pickpocketing being very bad there. I'm just wondering what happens if your ATM card is lost/stolen when you are away. I know that you can contact your bank to cancel the card, but when you do, are you basically high and dry with no access to any more money from your account, or do the banks have any emergency procedure to allow access to your account (somehow I doubt it!)

Incidently, we will be going to the Noucamp for a match. Again I have heard that not only is pickpocketing prevalent in the surrounding area, but that people are often threathened and mugged for cash as well. Has anyone experience of going to matches at Noucamp?

Having just reread my post, people might (must!) think I'm paranoid
We are really looking forward to our trip, I just want to avoid potential pitfalls!

You can have two accounts - choose to have a low credit limit on the 2nd one, then to put your mind at rest leave your main card and some cash or travellers cheques in the hotel safe just in case.
que lo pases bien!
Its a busy city and the usual rules apply.

Wear your bag across your body (you'll see the Spanish and Catalans doing this). Separate your valuables. Don't keep your wallet in your back pocket. Be wary of your belongings if you stop to cross at traffic lights. Don't walk down empty streets late at night. Don't have valuables like cameras on show and don't appear like an obvious tourist at night ie taking out maps etc. Be careful on La Rambla particularly and including if you stop to look at the stalls at nighttime. Also be especially careful around Port Olympic.

My post sounds quite negative but it really is mainly a matter of keeping your wits about you. It is a fantastic city. Enjoy!
Here are some tips about staying safe in Barcelona. A lot of it is just common sense really, and in any city one needs to be careful, however Barcelona seems to have quite a reputation for pickpockets and scams targetting tourists.
I have just come back from Barcelona and I don't think I have been anywhere else where I felt so safe; and I am quite the worryworm when out of my own environment!
I just took the usual safeguards. One card and E100 in the hotel safe, the other in a money purse under my shirt. Just kept a small amount of money in my handbag.
I loved Barcelona, much better than my expectations, found the people to be very friendly, helpful and polite. (But not alot of English). Didn't see one junkie - just one or two eccentrics who seemed to be happy living on the street.
Loads to do, be sure to visit the Poble Espanole, Art Gallery, Chocolate Museum (free chocolate), Maritime Museum and lots and lots more. The Zoo is the best I have been in.