What first - Appliances or Flooring?


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Am about to move into our brand new one bed apartment. I was advised by someone that we should lay our laminate and tiles before we install our kitchen appliances (fridge, washing machine, etc) otherwise you need to remove the appliances and refit them later. But then I heard from someone else that I should install the appliances before the flooring, because they may scratch the floor and you don't lay flooring under the appliances anyway.

Does anyone have any advice on this subject? It is much appreciated, the whole thing is very new to me!

In my case, i tiled the kitchen before getting the applicances fitted. Better looking finish as a result. No damage to tiles either.
Flooring first sounds best because if you only fit up to existing machines if they have to be replaced and are a slightly different size it can cause problems then. Look would also depend on good/bad floor fitter.

I know others have expressed different opinion but I would not be a big fan of wood near possible water leaking machines like washing machines and dishwashers but everyone to their own.

Tiles would not mark as easily as laminate. Covering the area with mats/rugs might help also if the floor does go in first.
If you lay flooring up to appliances in situ, along with the previous point on appliance size when it comes to replacing them, it would also be very difficult to move the appliances out for repair/replacement down the line.

Appliances generally come wrapped in plenty of cardboard, use a piece under the appliance to slide it up to its final position, then just slide into place off the cardboard.
Flooring first and always. And here's a little tip for you: if tiling your kitchen floor use a cheap (cheapest you can get) tile to lay under your fixed units and tile the remainder of your kitchen with your choice of tiles. Gives a clean and professional job.
Floor first, expecially with tiles. Less clearcut with a floor that is succeptible to spills.

Yup flooring first and we tiled into where the appliances went, if we ever have to pull them out they don't need to be lifted up onto the tile and there was no problem with scratches etc
yup definitely flooring first.
We got our kitchen floor tiled first before fitting in the appliances without any damage to the floors.
All the best