What exactly is going on...???

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Registered User
Right, I was told once that an answer was removed because it added nothing of value to a post: Enquiry to the Mods Post

Now I find a post asked by someone with a very specific question: The Porridge Post
Where the poster asked: "Porridge seems to be the breakfast "de jour" at the moment, and on the menus at all the snack bars/sandwich bars etc.

But the question I have is this:

Do you make it with milk or with water. That is, do you soak & cook your porridge oats with milk or water. We always used water, and only added milk at the last minute for flavour.

Porridge was soaked overnight with a pinch of salt & then cooked up in the morning with sugar and milk added to taste. Personally, I find porridge cooked soley in milk too heavy and hard to digest.

Does anybody else have an opinion on this "meaty" issue?"

which again fits in my humble opinion the very definition of a Misc. Non-Financial Question.

Then I see, from an esteemed administrator:
"On a related point can somebody tell me how I should pour my milk onto my cornflakes in the morning? Should it be from a carton or a jug? And should the sugar be added before or after the milk? Or at all? And should I use a soup or table spoon to eat them? And which are the best cornflakes? I can't believe that nobody has asked these questions on AAM before given their importance."

Can I ask how exactly this is allowed? My post at the time was deemed to not answer the posted question....how does this answer above address the posted question?
Or is it simply one rule for us plebs and one rule for those in charge? If you are going to remove non-relevant answers then any chance of a bit of consistency...and I'm far from being the only one who feels the same way.

Finally can I point out again The Miscellaneous Non Financial Questions Post that if you are going to allow a forum whose title is "Miscellaneous Non-financial Questions" that all of these kind of questions fit in there perfectly. I have no problem whatsoever in Brendan or the mods deciding at this point to simply get rid of all the Don'tAskAboutMoney forums if they so wish. Can fully appreciate why. But I don't think its fair to at this stage start closing threads for no apparent reason other than it being content not liked...

On a final note, I've often wondered if you are supposed to eat porridge with water or milk and I actually found it an interesting question...
I give none of my time to the running of this board so I avoid questioning the decisions of those who do. You can't please all of the people all of the time so there’s no point in trying. I would not be happy with all of the decisions which are made by the moderators but why should I expect to be? This is not life and death stuff, its informative and fun so don’t get too hot and bothered by the odd thing that niggles. Whatever about the micro level stuff on the whole the guys who run AAM do a very good job and have helped to keep standards high. Is a post about porridge really worth making a fuss about?
I have to say I was none to happy that the porridge thread was closed (I add chocolate covered raisins to mine to make it more interesting....... and was looking for more suggestions on how to jazz it up!).

As legend says below, if the whole forum was removed because the moderators felt that it was not an appropriate forum to have on a financial discussion board I would understand....... but I don't understand the merits for leaving some threads in this forum and removing others. the ones being removed appear perfectly clear to me - they are Non-Financial Miscellaneous Questions. I don't get it!
should this thread be closed and it's posts placed in the "Miscellaneous Non-financial Questions posts" thread?
I have deleted the post in question that seems to be causing legend99 so much grief so this matter is now closed.
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