What does 'Retail Use' allow?


Registered User

Wonder if anyone has answer / advice as have received different answers to my query.

I am seeking to take the lease on a commercial property, am fairly seasoned, have number of leases under my belt. I am looking to set up a coffee house, by this I mean , selling hot and cold drinks, cakes etc, no food preparation whatsoever.

Now I am not looking for any advice as to the rights or wrongs in time of opning new business, am just looking for anyone who has good knowledge or experience of use of retail property for the above. Have been told that it is no problem, hence coffee outlets within service stations etc, but have also been told that would need change of use. I thik the problem is that is difficult to get people to hear the exact usage, i.e. no food preparation at all, when they hear mention of coffee shop, coffee house, cafe etc.

Am trying to get definitive answer of DLRCC with no joy yet.

Obviously am trying to avoid situation of taking on property and then twiddling my thumbs while waiting to try to get change of use.

Anyone able to advise at all?

Much appreciated.
Are you asking in relation to planning permission or the permitted use in the lease agreement?

Apologies for not being clearer. I am asking in relation to planning permission , the lease would be new.

I think the usage of retail does not include any food related activities and coffee shop would require pp, even though there is no food prep.
Why not startup and apply for retention of the activity? Maybe your lease agreement could be subject to gaining planning for the usage you require?
Also the local authority should be much more helpful and co-operative than in previous years, given that you'll be paying rates to them.
Hope this helps