What does "administrative leave" mean? Where can I find a detailed explanation?


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What does the term administrative leave mean? Where can I find a detailed explanation?
Just means a worker is given leave from a job on full pay and benefits or else given another role temporarily. It is usually used when a complaint is made against someone and needs to be investigated. More an American phrase than an Irish one and not usually used here.
Thank you Sunny. Now can an administrative leave be forced on someone against whom complaint has not been filed? Can it be used to hide the shortcomings of the decisions made by management? And what all should be the the employee be aware of if an administrative leave is imposed on them?
I don't think anyone can give a fair answer without more details. Administrative leave would be used, for example, where an abuse complaint has been made against a teacher but I'm not clear what you mean when you refer to the shortcomings of management decisions.