What do you think of my idea? [Recessed solar lights in garden wall]


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Here it goes.............

I'm going to be building a wall around the side of my house soon and this will be leading to a paved area and in turn back around to the front of the house. I'm thinking about recessing lights into the wall approx. 10" above the path level, not so much for lighting the area path but more as an asthetic feature. But, I was thinking of butchering the garden solar lamps and somehow installing the lamp into the wall and to run new wires from the lamps to the solar panels and install the panels somewhere inconspicuous.

looking forward to your comments............
It sounds as if it will look very good when it is finished but I think it is something that you will need to have a good knowledge of electrics before you go ahead. Water and electricity - sizzle, sizzle

I wouldn't be inclined to go with the solar lights because you will need plenty of access. They aren't great for light and do most/all of them run off rechargeable batteries?

Would something similar to work/look better?