What do you do to target stress?

Not a bad suggestion truthseeker... I think this DVD could really work - as a teaser Purple you could put a trailer on youtube....The DVD could be called Purple Reign... Given your ironing prowess Purple..

All great ideas but I sold my image rights for the next 3 years and after consulting my agent it seems that this project would breach the terms of the contract.

Sorry about that.

And end up in your...


I do most things around the house in the nude meself. Seriously.

It's the old housewife cliché of course isn't it - nude housework? But I get it, I totally do.

When practical of course - I draw the line at lighting the fire during winter.
This thread turned Xrated quickly!! lol

Turns out the stress was bad - I've been told by my GP that I am a either a Coeliac or wheat intolorent Having bloods taken early this week and have a pending Scope appointment to further check the damage to my gut. I can't say I'm surprised with all the stress I have and how ill I've been feeling.

So it's safe to say the ironing will be non-existant, along with all the other household duties

Purple, I might be needing your ironing services - a DVD for my OH to show him how its done!!!

Being coeliac is a pain but there is a huge variety and availability of gluten free foods in supermarkets and cafes these days when compared to 5/10 years ago.

Take my advice and try the running. It can be tough at first but then the training becomes very enjoyable and great for relieving stress. You can also join an athletics club and run with others. You can set goals and target certain road races to improve your 'PB'. The Streets of Galway 8k was on yesterday. 2000+ people ran the race, all ages, shapes, sizes etc. The run is great and the craic around town was mighty with complete strangers chatting about their run etc. 8k, snackbox and plenty of pints - what more could you ask for?
Theres a cross county cycle coming up in October that looks pretty tough but I love cycling and reckon if I start cycling every day from now until then, pushing myself further each time, I could finish it. First things first though, get the scope out of the way, read up a bit about Coeliac disease and go from there. I bought a book today thats pretty good on receipes, "The everyday Wheat-free & gluten-free cookbook". Its got loads of receipes and instead of just saying I can't eat something, it shows me how to cook what I want with substitutes for wheat and gluten so I can.

TBH I'm just looking forward to having some time just for me really so the cycling should be nice. OH bought me the arm strap for the iPod yesterday so I'm ready to rock and roll!!
Just heard a guy on the telly asking "what's the most dangerous job a naturist can do". Believe it or not it's not ironing.

Frying sausages !!!!!!!!

Your consultant or GP will no doubt have told you not to go on a GF diet until your scope is over and you have the results as going on the GF diet now will affect your results.

I have coeliac disease and was diagnosed about 15 years ago. Best advice I could give you would be not to buy special cook books- they are often full of hard to find ingredients. Instead just cook whatever you fancy with GF ingredients. Buy some GF flour and cornflour, zyntham gum for baking, GF baking powder, GF pasta ( tesco own brand are good- the fusilli ones or Bulalun GF spaghetti), and away you go. For me I wouldn't bother baking bread, I've tried loads of recipes and it's never great, I buy the odd ciabatta roll GF or juvela fibre bread but wouldnt bother otherwise. Once you get the hang of it life without gluten is no problem at home- in fact it can be healthier than most peoples diets. EAting out is a problem but you get to know good restaurants and you'll get the hang of it.