What do I need to send my customer?


Registered User

I'm planning on doing some graphic design for businesses around Ireland. I'm not registered for VAT as I am below the threshold for the foreseen future.

I'm just wondering am I required to send a digital receipt to the customer via email by law and if so does anyone know of any good samples?

Also do you think that me not registering for VAT may be confusing for my customers who will mostly be VAT registered small businesses? Because they may persume that they can claim back some of the price. Am I wrong on this?
Would anyone recommend that I register for VAT even though I'm below the threshold?

If most of your input costs have VAT on them AND most of your customers are VAT registered then you should consider it. If most of your customers are not VAT registered then you will either have to charge them more or lose out yourself.

Are you self employed or a company?

For a company for example you need to have your registered details on your documentation and emails etc
I'm self employed and operating under my own name. I don't have a lot of input costs, so I don't know if it's worth the extra paper work.
I'm just wondering why I should consider registering for VAT if most of my customers are registered? Would they be less likely to deal will me if I'm not charging them VAT?
If you are dealing with businesses who can recover VAT you charge them then you should register for VAT as you will be better off.

If you are not VAT registered then your customers know that your turnover is less than €37,500. If you are concerned that this gives the wrong impression of your business then you need to consider registering.
As a freelance developer, I wasn't VAT registered for the first few years and was in a similar situation - low expenses and most clients were VAT registered.

I didn't encounter any negativity/obstacles with clients, and being VAT registered is extra hassle - VAT 3 returns, an annual RTD return, being aware of how much of your bank balance is VAT due etc.

Also, if there is the possibility of doing work for individuals or small sole traders who are not VAT registered, rates including VAT will be more expensive for them.

However, VAT registered or not, I would always recommend issuing invoices for work done and keeping proper records etc. Emailing invoices is fine, and any proper business would want an invoice before they pay you.
Thanks guys. Fizzy I really appreciate your input. I don't think I'll register for VAT as of yet.
Also what information should I place then in my invoice if I'm not registered for VAT?