What do I have to do to sell my car?



Help greatly needed!

I've being trying to sell my car for 4 weeks now and I'm getting no-where. Its a high spec beamer (coupe) relatively new and priced to sell. (beautiful car except mileage is a little high at 64k for a '03)

I have it on all the car websites (CBG, Carzone, Autotrader, Nicemove) - I've put it on national and local newspapers but to no avail. I know the price is right, but I'm not even getting phonecalls on this.

Has anybody any tips, please!!!! Is it just a slow time of year?
Re: What do I have to do to sell my car??!

It is a slow time of year but is it also a large engined coupe? harder to sell than a 318ci for example. there is also a sh*tload of Beemers for sale at the mo'. the only suggestion i would have is to drop the price even more..or trade in...
Re: What do I have to do to sell my car??!

Thanks SpeedFreak

Its a 318Ci - full M sports pack (2 litre model), CD, a/r, fogs etc New tyres, one owner, topaz blue (total of €5k of extras). 64K miles and I've it posted for €29k which I think is competitive. Would you agree
Re: What do I have to do to sell my car??!

alot of people don't like spending that much cash privately, and then yours has highish miles too...... about all you can do it drop the price.
The 352 other 2003 BMWs on carzone aren't helping.
The fact that it is the pre-facelift model with down turned indicators doesn't help either.
Also, it is August so everyone is on holidays or smashed from just coming back from Holidays.
There are dealers selling for near enough similiar money. People paying this sort money like a warranty which isn't on offer with your car.
Re: What do I have to do to sell my car??!

Thanks SpeedFreak

Its a 318Ci - full M sports pack (2 litre model), CD, a/r, fogs etc New tyres, one owner, topaz blue (total of €5k of extras). 64K miles and I've it posted for €29k which I think is competitive. Would you agree

ok i think ive seen it on carzone. it looks great! good photos but price would want to be dropped by 1-1.5k imo. i know its a killer considering what you have probably paid for it but it is a buyers market at the the mo'... the highish mileage doesnt help either as a buyer could and would go for a similar priced model with 20-25K less miles. The extras should help you sell it but you can't expect to recoup the cost of them unfortunately. Also give it a few more weeks as it is just comin to end of holiday season (boo!)
if you have a 2003 with 2002 miles then sell it for a 2002 price. The plate year is meaningless.... the car has done an extra year or two's worth of mileage. Then, drop the price more if you need a quick sale.
Agree the miles are killing you. Also try I sold a car here earlier in the year
Hi there, private buyers do not like to part with that kind of cash without some kind of backup - so they would rather do business with a garage - at least there is some come-back (caveat emptor and all that).

The one thing that would bother me about your car is not the miles (in fairness BMW engines/chassis are good for a few multiples of 64K) but the fact that it is a 2003 pre-facelift. The facelift came out in April 2003 and this is what buyers will want for that year. I would price it at 2002 prices for this reason alone.

Best of Luck
3-series residuals have been suffering badly since the launch of the new model and with the arrival of the new coupe shortly that's undoubtably effecting values too.
Unfortunately, there's a fairly identical car going for €150 cheaper with 23k miles less.

I'm surprised you're not getting some bites at the price though.
Thank to all who replied.

I've dropped price to €27,900 which I reckon looks quite competitive now though?
The trade will devalue any extras over 4 years.

On an 03 car the are not worth much tbh. Are your pics of good quality in the ads?