What do I do with shares?


Registered User
Hi. I have over 5500 AIB shares(worthless I know). I pay Goodbody an annual fee of about €25. What do I do with them? Do I hold onto them for the long term and hope that I could ever recoup what they cost me? Thanks in advance for any advice. Kate
We don't allow the discussion of the valuation of shares on Askboutmoney, although we made an exception for AIB as it is grossly overvalued for technical reasons.

Your best bet is to sell them and keep a note of the loss you have made in case you can use it against a capital gain on some other shares at a later stage.

Thanks Brendan- apologies as you can see this is my first post and I didn't realise I was breaking rules regarding share discussion.
Why not move them to the new stockbroking company www.degiro.com
I just had a quick look on their website and I didn't see any annual fee. Once you have sold them you have converted what may be a temporary loss into a permanent loss
You (or your great great grand kids ha ha) could sell them if they go up in value at some point. As Brendan says you could offset the loss against any future gains (shares or property). Thats if you decide to buy shares again. As they say once bitten twice shy !!