What do AAMers think WILL happen in the coming months

Like Becky, I too have had a large pay cut. The average wage for public servants, quoted by the media is higher than what I'me getting and the bulk of staff are in the grades below mine. The reality is that some of my colleagues who work at the counter in the employment exchanges are paying out way more to the customers than they themselves are getting. If their pay is cut any more, it will be hardly worth their while working. And believe me, these staff really work hard!
Why not ask the Vatican city for money. Seems to me that enough money is collected over the decades and they are swimming in money there. the taps and doorhandles are made from gold.

Sorry, but what a joke! Pay rises (increments) just for working from year to year without any change in role, or increase in productivity. IMF take note.
Sorry, but what a joke! Pay rises (increments) just for working from year to year without any change in role, or increase in productivity. IMF take note.

Same incremental system applies in large swathes of the private sector.
Same incremental system applies in large swathes of the private sector.

And herein lies more reasons for our problems....the Public Service does not, and has never operated under the same conditions as the Private Sector....equating the too is not appropriate.......unless of course you remove PS pensions, jobs for life, career breaks, absenteeism etc. etc.

Don't tell me that occupational pensions , career breaks and absenteeism don't exist in the private sector !

Indeed I would hope that any good employer would provide career breaks and a reasonable occupational pension.
Sorry, but what a joke! Pay rises (increments) just for working from year to year without any change in role, or increase in productivity. IMF take note.

I've had 8 different roles in different areas of the HSE. My productivity is good as I'm aware that the output is my area is the same as other areas with more staff.

My boss who came from the private sector has told me I am one of the strongest performers she has worked with.

The last time I took a sick day was in 2008 when I lost my voice. I came into work but my job involves a lot of phone work, so I was sent home. I was back at work the next day.

I was responding to an earlier post where someone said some public servants were still on the same net pay despite the levies. I shouldn't have mentioned the increment as I realise it's a bone of contention with a lot of people.

I do expect another pay decrease next year but I don't work in the public service for the money.
Don't tell me that occupational pensions , career breaks and absenteeism don't exist in the private sector !

Indeed I would hope that any good employer would provide career breaks and a reasonable occupational pension.

Most SME companies administer pensions for their employees, as they are required to do by law. I am not aware of any SME company I deal with that has a career break scheme in place. We don't give sick pay and we don't have any "family friendly" policies. When the Polish, Americans, Chinese etc have them we might think about it. We'd have to be cheaper as a nation than Germany, the UK, the USA and Hollans first though.
The two comments made just aren't reasonable:

"I do expect another pay decrease next year but I don't work in the public service for the money."


" ..and wouldnt change it no matter what the money."

I love my job too but working in a job that doesn't pay or doesn't pay enough for a person to survive on doesn't make sense whether it be in the public or private sector.

Work to live rather than live to work.

By all means let people state that they love their jobs but stating that the money doesn't matter is pulling the wool over theirr own eyes.

Of course the money matters .... it's the currency we need to buy food, pay bills, put a roof over our heads etc.

If a person can survive on less than they earn let them volunteer for a pay cut.

It'd be interesting to see how many would volunteer.
A strange end to a reasoned post. If you don't work for the money what do you work for?

For some its a vocation.
Some people do their job for the exercise of their skill and ability.

For example, there are very few millionaire architects, but I wouldn't want to do anything else.
Despite the fact that it is becoming increasing difficult to find any new, never mind profitable, work at the moment, this is my profession.
I will stick with it, improve my skills base, offer them to other markets if there are no willing clients here, but hopefully still be able keep my family, and sole domicile [and pay my taxes] in Ireland.
This is my home, it is where I live and where I hope to end my days.
There are few other places I would want to relocate to.


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I understand that onq .... but the vocation still has to put food on the table and to do that a wage has to appear in the bank account.

Saying categorically that money doesn't matter in the overall scheme of things is way off the mark. You can love your job but it still needs to provide the cash ....
PaddyBloggit - I meant that money isn't the main reason I go to work. I didn't mean to imply that money doesn't matter at all. Of course it does, I need to pay my bills, eat, buy shoes etc.

So my job doesnt pay enough to cover my expenses, what do i do? Go out and get a better paying job, because there's loads of them out there..

Work to live, not live live to work is a nice little cliche, but unfortunately after the budget, and the imf there aint gonna be much living! Work to survive will be the only thing a lot of folk will have..

I never said that money doesnt matter, but if my wages gets cut over the next few weeks, im still going to be working where im working. Ive no choice, and if it isnt enough to cover my bills, ive still no choice.. And maybe i'm one of the lucky ones because there's plenty of people who dont earn enough and hate their work, at least i love mine..
I predict that the minimum wage will be cut...I just have a gut feeing.
I am not an oracle , but my antenna are out and the signals are unmistakeable.
No politician has made an announcement yet and I don`t have any inside knowledge...its just that the softening up brigade have been doing their thing in the media.I now predict the strategy...the cuts will start at the bottom and work their way up.
Direct taxation cannot be increased . With PRSI / Levies at 9% and the higher tax rate at 41% , surely it cannot be justified to ask the average industrial earners to pay more than 50 % .

Lenihan has said that the minimum wage is being looked at so it's probably on the way down.
Direct taxation cannot be increased . With PRSI / Levies at 9% and the higher tax rate at 41% , surely it cannot be justified to ask the average industrial earners to pay more than 50 % .

Never say never .... up it's going so anything is possible.
I understand that onq .... but the vocation still has to put food on the table and to do that a wage has to appear in the bank account.
No argument from me on that score.
Saying categorically that money doesn't matter in the overall scheme of things is way off the mark. You can love your job but it still needs to provide the cash ....
I don't think that was being said by the person in question and I certainly didn't say that.
My point was that I am happy doing what I am doing because I like it, if I wanted to become rich I probably wouldn't be an architect, there are very few very rich architects out there.