What discount if paying cash for 2nd hand?


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Looking to buy a Volvo V50 second hand and have narrowed internet search down to 2 or 3 that I am interested in, all through Dublin based dealers. Have in the region of 10k to spend accessible straight away (no finance needed). What is a realistic discount to look for on advertised price? I was assuming 10% so was looking at cars advertised at the 11 grand mark or slightly above. Was chatting to a mate who looked at me in disbelief and said 'its August, in the worst recession for decades, with car dealerships in crisis and you have cash - look for a 25% discount minimum'.

Does that sound unrealistic? Don't want to waste my time and dealers time by treking out to a garage if I don't have a chance of doing a deal but don't want to be fleeced either!
Sorry but you ain't going to get a €10,000 car for €7,500, no matter how bad the recession.

I have also been looking for a new car recently and I was getting 500 knocked off a 10,500, and no more. Still looking, but that seems to apply to many car dealers too. (buying a car in sterling by the way).
Thanks for the input. I'll aim for 10% max so. Thought 25% sounded mad - a friend of mine recently traded in her car and given what it was subsequently put on the market for, I couldn't see that the dealer could give a 25% discount on it and still make a decent profit margin.
I think it depends on the dealer really, their stock, pricing policy etc - if you search carzone for example, you will find the same cars that range in price by 30% easily, so if you have already narrowed your search to the lowest priced within the range, then you will not get 25% off, but if you are looking at ones that are in the upper range, then you have more bargaining power, and can point out there are other dealers selling similar cheaper. Friend of mine bought a car for 9K recently, that was advertised at 12K - but there were other similar cars, same make, model, spec, mileage etc. that were advertised at 10K or so.
Make sure you know the "book" price for the car that you are buying. From that you can work out what is a reasonable price and whats not.
Well ... have bought then car and am delighted. Saw 2 that were from the same year and almost exactly the same spec and mileage - one was 10% cheaper than the other. Then got another 10% off the cheaper one by paying there and then in cash so am delighted. Thanks for all the replies