What defines "medical issues" when posting on this site

Hi Happy Girl

Some elements of this thread might well contravene our guidelines.

It's hard to be prescriptive - but we don't like seeing people using Askaboutmoney as a substitute for medical advice. For some people getting a good night's sleep would not be a medical issue, for others it would be.

I suppose if there is an illness involved, it's a medical issue.

there is a substantial discussion ongoing regarding methods of promoting sleep where both over the counter medication and perscription medication are discussed.
That thread (and probably others) predates the "no medical discussions" posting guideline if I'm not mistaken and in my opinion should arguably now be closed assuming that the posting guideline should be applied retrospectively?
For some people getting a good night's sleep would not be a medical issue, for others it would be. I suppose if there is an illness involved, it's a medical issue. Brendan

I hear what you're saying Brendan but "fear of flying" certainly would not be classed as an illness either.
It is if it's a clinical phobia.

For further background many "medical" threads in the past have required heavy moderation in order to deal with people posting potentially dangerous suggestions (e.g. about unapproved drugs, quack therapies, DIY medical advice etc.) and this was one of the main motivations for the "no medical discussions" posting guideline. As the posting guideline points out there are lots of much more appropriate sites/forums for those who seek such information or discussion.
Isn't it a precautionary thing?
What if the man you're taking about took a non prescrip drug just before boarding the plane and had a massive allergic reation to it? - there's no hospitals at 35,000 ft.
I think ClubMan (and Brendan) do this incase of an incident. - Whereas your (Husband's?) GP could give lifesaving advice knowing his body's limitations/allergies/weaknesses etc...
I have a deep fear of spending money or investing it poorly or overpaying for a bad service somewhere..... now is that one for AAM or for Irishhealth.ie

how about that for a puzzle