What debts Bankruptcy doesn't wipe....


Registered User
The ones i can think of are
Criminal charges,

Any other debts that bankruptcy will not wipe off the slate ?
I'm sure i read somewhere that income tax is not written off but that an arragement can be made with revenue. I've also read somewhere that unsecured debt is not written off either ?
unsecured debt is not written off either
That would defeat the very purpose of bankrutcy.

As for tax, Revenue are a preferred creditor, but unless the tax debts have occurred through fraud they are generally part of the bankruptcy process.
Thank you, does the bankruptcy process also wipe clean any prior judgement orders put in place by a creditor ?
Anyone know ?
You've posted questions before about bankruptcy.
Given the level your knowledge appears to be at, all I can suggest is if this is something you are considering, then talk to a professional in the area who can take you through your specific circumstances.