What could you look at from the proposed 'Dublin eye' ?


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There are proposals that a Dublin version of the London eye is to be built at the new point village.

What would there be to look at from up there?
Same as from the Guinness gravity bar. Very little.

They have one in Belfast and there is nothing to see there unless you know what you are looking for, i.e. your street, your school, your work.

There's not much there for the unfamiliar.

When I was in the Gravity Bar with work one evening, I asked someone to point out the sights. One of the first things they pointed out, at 10 o'clock, was to look at the large black space. Phoenix Park. Largest European Urban Park. May well be impressive if you are in it but not going up a brewery to look at a dark space!

I'd say the most impressive sight from the Point might be all the railway lines going into Connolly.
Croke Park might be visible?

Croke Park is perfectly visible in its entirety from the DART line. You don't need to go up a wheel to see it.

All joking aside, I think that the view out to Dublin bay on a nice day would be beautiful.

Howth, Dun Laoghire, the chimneys, the boats coming and going. Could you see to Wales on a good day?

Most of us have our views out to Dublin Bay obscured by the Loop Line and East Link bridges.

Provided you don't look toward the city it would be great.
..the chimneys .

While they're still there ?

I heard, admittedly second or third-hand, that since they are no longer in use for power generation, the ESB is considering removing them. They're certainly looking very shabby at the moment.

Back on topic, one could get a good view of the Cheese Building in East Wall, and the monument to Anglo-Irish Bank that is what was to be their head office on the north quay.

Could you see to Wales on a good day?

Probably not, given the proposed height of the wheel. Depending on the prevailing conditiions, one could see as far as Wales, but only from the summit of Howth, or the Wicklow Hills.
Just head out to the Coilte park at Three Rock and walk/ mountain bike the trails. Far better view then you'll get from any wheel, and it's free!
Is the Dublin eye actually going ahead, or is it just talk at the moment. Caught the very last of a report on the radio, that it would cost 10 million!!!

How much are they planning on charging for a ride on the dublin eye? How many people do they estimate will use it in the first year or two. In other words how long till we get back the 10 million back that it's going to cost to build it, let alone maintain it.

We're in a recession at the moment, cut backs here there and everywhere, and we're going to waste 10 million on an attraction.
Dont see the point of it - its not an original idea not a particularly Irish one. People will just say that we're copying London.

If Dublin City wants to erect a new attraction, surely they can come up with something new?
Dont see the point of it - its not an original idea not a particularly Irish one. People will just say that we're copying London.

If Dublin City wants to erect a new attraction, surely they can come up with something new?

I agree. Then again, the track record on attractions is not great, the time in the slime - how much did it cost to implement that and then throw it in the bin?
No doubt some canny estate agent will starting painting "FOR SALE" on roofs if this thing is built.