What considerations for a will for a US citizen in Ireland?


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If a US citizen is resident in ireland and has property and pensions in USA and Ireland, how would he make a will?

Is it sufficient to have an Irish will or must he make a will in the USA also? Can a US will be made while in Ireland or must it be done in the US.

Are there any other considerations in this situation. Does anyone know who would be able to advise on this matter?

This is a very complex area and you'd need to find a solicitor familar with 'conflict of laws'. Probably you need an Irish will to bequeath your Irish property and ditto for the US property. Then there are Irish rules that come into play, not sure but I guess they'd be based on your legal status in Ireland, so domicile might come into play. For example you cannot disinherit your spouse, but you can your children, etc.

A first port of call might be the US embassy. Or ask the Law Society for recommendations of an Irish solicitor who is expert on this area.