What companies share info with the ICB?


Registered User
I recently applied for a credit card and I was surprised to be turned down.

I'm now afraid that I have a bad credit rating - the only thing I can think of is that about 2/3 years ago I had an issue with a mobile phone contract whereby a mistake had been made and they were charging me for a sum I'd already paid, long story short, I was getting no where with them so in the end I refused to pay them twice for their error since I had paid it originally..

Anyhow, do mobile phone operators share info with the ICB? This is the only instance I can think of where I could have a black mark..

I know the list of members on ICB is here: [broken link removed]

But is this exhaustive??
Yes. Those are their members. No one else can add info to your record.

Phone companies cannot add stuff to the ICB, despite what they may say.