What colour floors with a walnut kitchen?


Registered User
Putting in a walnut kitchen. Thinking also of putting walnut floors in the eating area. What do people think of this?
Something pale, that contasts nicely with the walnut (ie, steer clear of teracotta tiles). Some blue or green on the walls would also set the units off nicely.

Might be too much of a good thing to have all that Walnut- how far apart are the two areas, and is there much natural light?

Something paler would look well on the floor, but I would chose something with a little variation in the colour (either a mottled colour porcelain tile, or something like marmoleum) as otherwise you will see every mark on it. I would probably try to get something that looks like stone, (but doesn't cost as much) and has a fleck in it to pick out the colour of the units.

For the splashback I am a big fan of neutral colours - if you get tired of tiles it is not a small job to change them, You can change the look by repainting your walls if necessary.

If you saw the state of my kitchen you might not take my advice, but there you have it!
Am I correct in thinking that walnut is dark?

Whilst it is very nice singly both kitchen and floor IMHO would darken the room too much unless you have an awful lot of light getting in.

Just my tuppence worth :)
My sister has walnut kitchen and has a cream polished porcelain tile which contrasts lovely with this and black granite worktops with beech on the centre island. Think too much walnut might darken the room unless floods of light were coming in.