What 'Celebrity' will be still famous centuries from now?


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Just thinking of people like Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci and George Washington for example – These people are still famous hundreds of years after their deaths.
Are there well known people currently alive that will have this type of recognition in several hundred years time?

I imagine Neil Armstrong as first man on the moon or Obama as first African-American president would be.
Is anyone else from politics, science, music, art or sport an obvious contender?
Politics - Mandela
Science - Watson (alive) & Crick (deceased),
Tim Berners-Lee, Sir Alec Jeffreys
Music - Bob Dylan, The Beatles (well, half of them are still alive)
Art - IMO, Artists are only appreciated after they are dead. I also know very little about it to comment. Plus, the medium has changed considerably in a hundred years. I'd now go for George Lucas or Spielbergs as maybes. I don't know if any living authors will be remembered. John Irving perhaps.
Sport - Pele. Perhaps Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan.
Gorbachev, Thatcher, Nixon, Mandela,
Pele, Zizou, Tyson, Ali, Schumacher, Vale Rossi, Shaq, Mike Jordan.
Pavarotti, Led Zep & AC/DC (hopefully).
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Are there well known people currently alive that will have this type of recognition in several hundred years time?

I think a good few of them could be dead. At least I hope they are.
I'm assuming that infamous counts as famous.

Politics: Hitler, Churchill, Ronald Regan, Stalin.
Sport: Edmund Hillary, Mark Bosman, Enzo Ferrari, Vince Lombardi.
Funny enough, sports people dont seem to stand the test of time. How many sports stars from 100s years ago does anyone remember?
Science/Exploration: Crick & Watson, Berners-Lee, Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, Stephen Hawking,
Politics: Von Rompuy ) actually most people never heard of him)
Sport: Bolt (on the, perhaps naive, basis that his times won't be bettered)
Art: Hirst (who proves the adage about fools and their money)
Music - Madonna, Dylan, U2,
charity - Geldoff
Politics - Thatcher, Mandella
Film - Pacino,Nicolson

(maybe not centuries though! )
I wonder will the inventor of the World Wide Web become more famous in time as he certainly isn't a household name right now but surely this should rank as one of the more important inventions in recent times? Or should the inventor of the Internet get more credit? Queue loads of googling for "inventor of the World Wide Web".

... before he was vice president of the United States or saving the world?
Aan Greenspan for blowing the largest credit binge in history.

Gordon Brown as the worst political leader in history.
Politics: Bertie and the Two Irish Brians. (We'll still be paying for their mistakes centuries from now )
Osama bin laden.

In the year 3000, you'd have to have done something magnificent (or diabolical) for your fame to last 1000 years.