What causes a fuel pump to fail?


Registered User
Specifically on a 2002 Rav 4 (not mine). I believe it is a rare enough occurence.
Get it doubled checked that it is actually a fuel pump fault.

My daughters RAv4 was mis-diagnosed previously and it turned out to be
the idle speed control valve, or the the idle air control valve, an old Toyota hand said its a common enough problem.

The valve is at the bottom of the throttle body, the fix is to remove the throttle body then remove the ISC valve then clean it thoroughly. Any half decent mechanic will do it

The valve may become sticky with carbon deposits, at the same time get the throttle body bore cleaned out with a brush and cleaner and it will fix the problem.
Can you advise milage and service history and has the fuel filter been checked. Also how was a fuel pump fault diagnosed.
The mileage is probably around 40k (miles). Not sure about service history-car was bought used around a year ago. Fuel pump is the suspected problem-no thorough examination yet (only happened yetersday afternoon) and the guy who came to tow the car said that he suspected it was the fuel pump.
I would strongly sugggest before anyone touches your vehicle get a computer systems check done (OBD) to elimate faults/codes first. Fault finding the old fashoned way dosen't work anymore!!