What car for €10k


Registered User

I would like to know what people's opinions are on the best option is if you have €10k to spend on a car in the current market.

Am I better buying a car outright with the cash (looking at 2004-2005 Audi A4/BMW 3 series or 06 Passat) or would it be better to use it as a deposit towards a new/nearly new car and finance the balance?

I'm just wondering because having done some comparisons from the price of cars 3 or 4 years ago 5 year old cars haven't really come down in value but I understand new/nearly new cars have. Is that correct?

Also do people have any opinions on which would be a better buy (all diesel):
04/05 Audi A4; 04/05 BMW 320d; 06 Passat


Am I better buying a car outright with the cash (looking at 2004-2005 Audi A4/BMW 3 series or 06 Passat) or would it be better to use it as a deposit towards a new/nearly new car and finance the balance?

I personally would never buy a new car for the simple reason that it will lose thousands in value as soon as you drive it out of the dealers. You might lose 2-3k for a new Passat.
What size car do you need the 3 series and A4 are much smaller than the passat.

A nice 320 cd Msport would be sweet.
Cheers for the replies.

I need to get a four door. Don't do very much driving at the moment (cycle in and out of work) but there is a possibility of a good bit of driving in the near future plus would like a decent sized boot for golf clubs. Frank, I didn't realise there was a big difference in size between Passat and the 3 series or the A4. Any links to a 320 cd Msport?

General question though about buying a nearly new car from a dealer and financing part of it, are there better deals available than buying a 5 year old car for cash?