What can I do.


Registered User
I bought a new house 3 years ago and a week before we moved in there was a bad flood in one of the upstairs en-suites (nobody noticed that someone had turned on the shower which is power - from 3 bar pump- coming from the tank, e.s.b. turned on, and water going everywhere). Developer did not provide any shower fittings with finished house. Would not have been told of flood had we not called to see why the wait in signing over the house. They had a few commercial de-humidifiers going to dry the place out. Water flowing down the walls to ground floor.
3 years later, and I have been having trouble with the shower that flooded. Firstly the sealeant kept going mouldy on me and I have replaced it twice. Then I noticed a horrible smell (damp and stagnant water) and threw lots of drain cleaner down to get rid of that, nothing.... Finally, last week I was once again taking out the blackened sealant when two of the tiles came off and the wall (plasterboard) is rotton behind. There is not a leak, but I think the wall may not have been fully dry (if it ever could be) when we had it tiled and a shower enclosure fitted. We weren't told not to, and we did need to have the shower working. If we were told not to use that one for 6 months or so to let the wall dry properly, we could have had one of the others done immediately(we moved in December and it was mental to get a tiler to do even one shower). I think the wall just rotted as there was no way for it to dry naturally when the tiles were put over it. I have spoken to the site manager who is managing another developement for the same developers, and he is trying to fob me off with comments like: 'you should not have moved in until it was dry', 'of course it was dry, how did the tiles stick if it was wet', 'we may have to bring in an engineer to have a look at this', 'I will try and call to see it when I have time'.
Have I any comeback with the developers or do I have to put in new walls and buy everything again (shower enclosure, tiles, etc...)

Has anyone else had anything like this happen to them.....

is your house homebond certified ? might be worth a look here.....

1. Warranty - HomeBond provides a warranty (subject to terms and conditions of the HomeBond Agreement) in relation to:
  • Major structural defects for ten years.
  • Water and smoke penetration for the first five years of the warranty period. (Five years cover only applies to dwellings registered from 01/10/2004)
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Thanks for that. Had a look at the site, but I don't think it covers what I want. There was a major 'flooding' in the house before we moved in. It has nothing to do with water getting in to the house through a sturctural defect. The house was 'dried out' but obvousouly not enough. The walls in the en-suite are plasterboard and was not dried out through and through before we tiled the shower area resulting in the dampness not being able to dry out naturally thus rotting that area that was sealed by the tiling..... I hope I am making sence.
To claim on our house insurance we would have to have a leak or something in the shower, (plumbing), that is not the case though....

Any other ideas.....

Tiling over a damp wall esentially traps the moisture, so will always lead to problems. I think you probably need to talk to your solicitor. They should be able to advise you if you have a case, or should just accept the situation and rip out the enclosure, tiles and rotten plasterboard, allow it time to dry and start again.