Hi there,
I just thought i'd give you some advice on picking an estate agent. There are a couple of things id make sure of before picking and to be honest the fee would probably at the bottom of the list, you want an agent that IS going to sell it! I'm not saying go with the highest but what you should do is ask the estate agents what marketing you are going to get for your money. It is possible the cheapest agent will give you the best marketing and its as possible the dearest agent will give you the best marketing either way I'd go with best marketing over fee. There's no point in saving a notional €1500 if your apartment never sells? The longer on the market the less it will sell for. Is your apartment a one bed? If it is be prepared for a long haul and if any estate agent tells you different i'd consider their honesty to be a factor. Make sure your agent uses daft, myhome, huntforpropert.net, propertyweek.com and their own site. Also see if they will do a local flyer drop to generate interest from residents who often know people who would like to live there, I find this extremely effective. Ask about the brochures they produce for your property and how they intend to generate leads or give you the advantage over all the other apartments for sale. Whatever you do DONT use the agent that values it the highest, in this market you have to be keenly priced or you will not generate interest, remember a property doesn't have to sell for what its listed for, you can say no to an offer but to high an asking price and you wont even get them in the door!