What are the three pipes coming from septic tank for?


Registered User
We have a concrete septic tank shaped like a figure 8. There are three yello pipes appearing about two feet above the ground at different points in the garden. I need to get the garden rotavated, levelled and seeded and maybe will have to bring in extra topsoil. i would have thought that these pipes should have been under ground and leading to the soakage pit.

Can anyone please give me advice.

Also there are two pipes couming up from the septic tank itself and there are no covers or cowls on these. Where can I purchase these?

thanks for and guidance.
The 2 pipes coming out of the tank are for ventaltion. You could buy a couple of normal 4 inch wavin pipe cowls in any hardware or B&Q.
The other 3 pipes are more than likely the ends of your percolation area pipes
Hi LivefortheWE

would you be able to upload a photo, might be able to give better opinion then.

what make is the tank?

Sorry for late reply. Please see photo attached. There are 3 yellow perculation pipes sticking out if the ground at various points in garden. I am planning in getting garden ploughed and reseeded soon so need to know if I can pu these underground.