what are the implications of an error in one persons date of birth on a marriage cert


Registered User
Hello All,

I wonder could any of you give me some information of what are the implications of an error in one persons date of birth on a marriage certificate. I only noticed this the other day when I had to get one and when I looked back at photocopies of some of the earlier ones the same mistake is on them all. Is this a fundamental mistake or can it just be simply amended. Thank you in advance.
Re: error on marriage certificate

My sister has the same problem. The priest entered her husband's date of birth wrong and she only found out 25 years later. It looks like her husband was only 6 when he got married.(I wonder is that grounds for an annulament?) I dont think they have done anything about it. I think it is a legal procedure. You have to go to the county registar to have it fixed.
Re: error on marriage certificate

Contact the relevant registrar and have the details amended...probably by producing a birth cert.
Re: error on marriage certificate

Same thing almost happened to me when I got married and the priest said.

' Lucky you spotted that before I sent it in as it has to go to the High Court to be rectified'

Don't know if he was talking through his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language or what but thats what he said.

Re: error on marriage certificate

There were endless mistakes on my late Dad's death cert and my poor mother had to go into Births, Deaths & Marriages Reg countless times to rectify them. She didn't need to go to court but perhaps that was because she noticed each mistake when the cert was producted.
Re: error on marriage certificate

Thank you all very much for your replies. I go and get it checked out. Thanks.
Re: error on marriage certificate

In answer to your original question, I cannot think of any consequences of the date of birth being incorrect on a marraige cert, so I would not consider it worth much hassle to fix.

You have other forms of ID with a correct birth date and your marraige cert is not likely to ever be needed in a legal framework unless you are applying for a divorce / separation and even then, the date of birth would
be irrelevant.