What are the correct size pipes for drains??


Registered User
I realised from an early stage that my builder is trying to lead me a merry dance and until now I have been able to tolerate him as I need the work done. However, he went too far last week when he concreted in a floor before putting in the wc drain, he will now have to kango through the new flooor. Unfortuantely I told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of his actions and gave him an ultimatum. I still owe him money so there is a chance he will finish the bits that remain and I will not allow him to do other bits like carpentry. However, he wants to put in a 6" drain from the side of house to front and then join that to a 4" drain that will then link to main sewer. As I no longer have any faith in hiim I dont believe him when he says you wont get blockages with the 6" drain. My view is that 4" is adequate all the way. But what is the norm??

To be honest this bullder has surprised me with his approach where he has displayed a total lack of care and duty to anything. He came recommended so god help me if I had got someone actaully worse. He will go condemned but he will be as sorry that he met me as I was to meet him.

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All underground sewer and drainage pipes should be 100mm (4 inches) where is he getting six inch maybe he has it lying around and is trying to offload it on you. by the way most toilet wastes go out through the wall not the floor so unless he knew about your unusual toilet it's probaly a forgivable mistake your builder made. dont be too confident that owing him money will bring him back as many builders take this into account and don't mind not collecting the last few quid. did the person who recommended this from what you say cowboy builder know anuthing about building i have to ask.
Thanks for confirming what I thought was correct, its just another piece of detail that proves he was as usual trying to be " I am smarter than you etc ". He was told by the plumber where to put pipes and the type, I have them going under the floor as it will look neater on the outside(if done properly). I owe him quite a bit and maybe I have shamed him into finishing the remainder off correctly. Although when I tell him to put in 4" instead of 6" he will not be too pleased to be caught out again.

And no the person who recommended him did not know much about building work. Unfortunately I thought I did! I have kept a watchful eye on him from the outset I am hoping he has not left a timebomb.

I have also used this board quite a lot.

All I wanted was 2 very small extensions, a new roof, new drains, new footpaths, new ceilings(left him pin on top of existing) a bit of plastering, 3 doors re-sited, make good after electrician, window fitters and plumber, clear the site and leave. 7 months so far and about 2 normal weeks work left. I had detailied construction plans and an engineer. It was no big deal.

I can hack it but the wife cant.


for what its worth - im putting an en-suite in my mums house. I bought 6mt of 4" pipe as suggested by hardware supplier - i took a few angle connectors - they told me i could still use a 15 deg. bend as is ok to use as a "rod" .
anyway 6mt of 4" + 3 angel connectors + close cupling bend for back of toilet all came to 47 euro.

Hire diamond consaw and kango for weekend for 100 euro.
( make sure water is connected to consaw to keep dust down)

....anyway Im not finished yet as the kind ambulance crew had to remove me - so the moral is.... let the feckin buider do it but dont get ripped off !
thanks Amcs, made me smile and my days of DIY are over, hence getting the builder to so fairly basic things but it dont half make you realise how nice it was to be able to do things yourself, take a bit longer but at least you knew it was done correctly.
