What are PC (Primary Quote) costings?


Registered User
I was with our building engineer for a kickoff meeting for our new house build yesterday. Towards the tail end of the meeting he mentioned that he was going to provide me with the house plans to give to potential bidding builders along with what he called PC costings. Basically his advice was to choose a builder and contract the builder initially to build the shell of the house for a particular bid price and then choose to engage separate contractors for the kitting out of the house or choose the builders preferred subcontractors. He told me that the PC quotes were primary costs and that they were basically guesstimates of the basic amount (?) the individual tradesmen would charge for each service delivered (I imagine they were base costs which would be likely to be underestimates)

Has anyone familarity with this term PC/primary costs. I'm guessing they are placeholder costs used in basic project finance planning,etc.

Thanks ever so much, Ajapale. PC sums is exactly what I meant and those threads answer my question commendably !

thx again
