What about Girl Racers ? And Dublin insurance prices.


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Hi all,

This has really been getting my back up as of late but here it goes. I'm a 23 male and have just moved to Naas Kildare where i bought a place, now my drive to work is twenty minutes down the N7 to work vs three orginally. Not a long commute by any means.

My gripe is this, even though i now live in Kildare rather than Dublin my premium is the same, i drive what many would call a boy racer car (Sports Coupe) just by looking at it, a 1.3l which i pay 1200 in insurance for with two years no claims, my 1st years insurance on a 1,1 106 was 3200 euro, i should note that i 1.1 Peuogot 106 was actully more expensive to insure, no tinted windows, etc. Every day i do 100kmph to work and back but what has suprised me in travelling the N7 daily is the amount of young women that blow by me at 120 plus. And in general how many drivers yound and old do, yet i'm more dangerous apparently due to my age.

There is one women who drives a 106 and will come off at Rathcoole doing min 110 and just will just cross three lanes in one foul swoop. Nothing is a deterat to her. Today there was a women of about my age who was doing anything to get ahead in traffic, undertaking, infact she cut my off doing a 100k with about 3" between our cars, no indicators, just decided she had be in the space between myself and the car in front.

Women get these discounts because they are better drivers and in a lot of cases they may be but it seems to be that if your a man and young your assumed a psycho on the raods. My girlfriend has also made the same observations.

Also why is insurance more expensive in Dublin for young males since most fatal crashes happen in the country side where speed is the factor, something not really possible in the City Centre. It seem the companies are more worried about the cost of repairs and replacement of cars due to what i would imagine to be a higher number of minor incidents in Dublin than actual road deaths.

What i'm wondering is are young female drivers turning into a generation of girl racers as they seem to repeat what happened with women and drink and smoking, i.e. Girl Power, so women became empowered as such and then took it to a extreme to the stage where more young women seem to have an issue with smoking etc than young men do, also they do more damage to themselves as they seem to take it on themselves that medical guidelines saying you can't drink as much as a man physically are there to be disproved.
So the problem seems to be that you are paying more insurance than women your age, but sometimes you see women driving fast therefore this is an unfair arrangement?

This is a common enough complaint, but insurance does not work like that. It works on statistical risk, and the statistics very clearly indicate that young men are vastly more risky drivers than young women. Statistics being what it is, there is a distribution around the numbers; in English, that means that there are safe young male drivers and unsafe young female drivers. However, indicidual data points (which is what your observations are) are not a good basis for establishing risk. For that you need numbers over a large population.

Insurance for young men is expensive alright. However, Ireland has some of the highest death rates for young male drivers, and driving standards are exceptionally low. So until this changes I am afraid you are stuck with it.
I think I remember Hibernian saying that they were changing the same for young women and men now as there are now so many girl racers?
So the problem seems to be that you are paying more insurance than women your age, but sometimes you see women driving fast therefore this is an unfair arrangement?

This is a common enough complaint, but insurance does not work like that. It works on statistical risk, and the statistics very clearly indicate that young men are vastly more risky drivers than young women. Statistics being what it is, there is a distribution around the numbers; in English, that means that there are safe young male drivers and unsafe young female drivers. However, indicidual data points (which is what your observations are) are not a good basis for establishing risk. For that you need numbers over a large population.

Insurance for young men is expensive alright. However, Ireland has some of the highest death rates for young male drivers, and driving standards are exceptionally low. So until this changes I am afraid you are stuck with it.

That's a fair point but the question really is how often are these statistics reviewed and is it fair to base your statistical risk on the entire population when a large percentage live in a large urban area where high speeds which is resposnsible for most road deaths is not achievable as a general rule. By this i mean it's not possible for me to go 100kph leaving the city centre during rush hour but it would be for me if i was travelling fromsay Ennis town to my home in the country down a narrow back road vs doing 100 on the 3 lane N7. Why is there insurance cheaper than mine i have less chance statistically of totaling my car in Naas than someone living in Dublin or killing myself through excessive speed like a young male in Donegal.

It seems to be that it basically comes down to the fact i'm male. Despite there statistics indicating these trends which most people would say are fairly accurate it seems to me that being male is enough to incure high premiums.
That's a fair point but the question really is how often are these statistics reviewed ...
Every insurance company would review these stats on an ongoing basis as they have accurate data on how much it costs them to settle claims for the different risk groups. This is what ultimately decides what premium they charge for each grouping.
Girl racers....THE hardest group of people to take seriously....L-M-A-O !!!
There is one women who drives a 106 and will come off at Rathcoole doing min 110 and just will just cross three lanes in one foul swoop. Nothing is a deterat to her. Today there was a women of about my age who was doing anything to get ahead in traffic, undertaking, infact she cut my off doing a 100k with about 3" between our cars, no indicators, just decided she had be in the space between myself and the car in front.

Why don't you report them for dangerous driving?
Hi all,

There is one women who drives a 106 and will come off at Rathcoole doing min 110 and just will just cross three lanes in one foul swoop. Nothing is a deterat to her. Today there was a women of about my age who was doing anything to get ahead in traffic, undertaking, infact she cut my off doing a 100k with about 3" between our cars, no indicators, just decided she had be in the space between myself and the car in front.

My King beats your Queen

on Sunday at around 1pm , on the M1, driving towards Dublin a black Cork Reg car who obviously missed the slip for the M50 STOPPED dead on the overtaking lane and started REVERSING.
what the driver was doing in the overtaking lane when he/she knew they were going to exit at the M50 is anybodys guess but stop and reverse he/she did. I was in the inner lane as I was exiting at Coolock but there was a lot of hard braking to avoid this ejeet.
and to the blond lady driver driving 06KE***1 who was driving from Belfast direction to Dublin direction yesterday. get a copy of the rules of the road and read up on roundabouts. totally in the wrong at Clough roundabout yesterday, though I doubt you are aware of that.
final rant; Had to pick up someone at Dublin Airport (later) on Sunday. afterpick up proceeded to exit back to motorway, when I noticed that most of the exit directions are on the ACTUAL road surface. grand on Sunday and I knew my way out but if it was very busy and you were in Ireland for the first time imagine it would be very confusing to have to keep looking down at the road for find out which was the correct lane. would a few overhead signs not be more useful?
My King beats your Queen

on Sunday at around 1pm , on the M1, driving towards Dublin a black Cork Reg car who obviously missed the slip for the M50 STOPPED dead on the overtaking lane and started REVERSING.
what the driver was doing in the overtaking lane when he/she knew they were going to exit at the M50 is anybodys guess but stop and reverse he/she did. I was in the inner lane as I was exiting at Coolock but there was a lot of hard braking to avoid this ejeet.

I saw this happen on the M1 too a few months ago. A man heading North on the M1 missed the airport turn off and decided to stop and reverse too. I'm just glad there was nobody in the overtaking lane so I could swing into that easily enough.
These incidents might explain the car debris scattered all over the road just after the airport turnoff (going north) I saw a couple of weeks back. I didn't see the crash, but it looked kind of serious.

Although clearly there's not much you can do to excuse eejits who reverse down a motorway, I have to say that signposting in general and at roadworks in particular (Red Cow at the moment, for example) is abysmal here: it's a wonder there aren't more serious crashes.

As for roundabouts: yes, loads of (most?) people here don't know how to use them, but the bizarre roadmarkings (I'm thinking Blanchardstown exit to M50 here) don't exactly help.

And another thing.....

Rant, rant, rant.....
that blanch exit is poorly signposted alright. was going to the hospital there a few months ago and found myself in the wrong lane. had to proceed onto blanch itself before turning off and going back to the hospital through the village.