wetting himself - 4 yr old


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My gorgeous little 4 year old has just decided he couldn't be bothered running to the loo any more, particularly when he is playing with his friends or is absorbed in the telly, he just wets himself and couldn't care less.

I don't know how to handle it.

It doesn't happen all the time but today it happened three times! Aaaaaaaaaagh!

I've tried ignoring it, giving out to him, rewarding him for going to the toilet etc. He was fully trained and about 9 months he went backwards.

Thankfully we're only talking wetting himself, he manages getting to the loo if there is a "poo" coming, although he will often wait until the last possible moment before he decides to run.

Lovely topic eh?? I really would welcome some advice. :confused:
Have him checked by your doctor to make sure he doesn't have a urinary tract infection.
I know we had this problem with my youngest son ... it seems that boys don't seem to mind being wet ... lazy sods! The only advice I can give is to ignore it ... completely ... he will grow out of it in a few weeks. If you give it any heed you will only make things worse.
Our little 3-year old boy likes to "vary" his routine from time to time as well. He has been trained for about 6-months now, but ocassionally he will just take a pee where he stands. I ignore it if I think it's a mistake but sometimes I feel he does it looking for attention and then I calmly tell him that Daddy will get cross if he doesn't try to go out to the loo (but I never actually get cross)

I walked into our sitting room the other day and he was as naked as the day he was born and was taking a leak in on top of one of Mammy's potted plants. When he saw the shock on my face he looked as if he was going to start crying, but then he gathered himself together and explained that he "was just giving the flowers a sup of wee wee ... they like wee wee" !!!

Children are crazy ... don't worry about your little boy, let him know it's wrong, but if I were you I'd try to figure it out between yourselves over a few weeks before you go down the GP route.