Westlnk Toll Bridge: Little Seat Inca van-1.9D €3.10 but 2.5L Diesel costs €1.80?


Registered User
Can anyone explain why my little Seat Inca van (1.9D) costs €3.10 to go through the Westlink while my friends 2.5L Diesel costs €1.80!?! It is solely because mine is a commercial vehicle. Thus, does this mean that I am being charged extra as I am going to use my van for something useful like work rather than dropping kids off to school in an unnecessarily large jeep! I actually nip through the car section times anyway, lash the money in the basket and away with me. Hoping not to receive a fine in the post!! Anyone know what the story is with this as a matter of interest?
Re: Toll Bridge

This wrecks my head also. I have a company ford focus van which when I got it first had no company logos on it. I was always charged the car rate on bridge. Then 6 months ago the company put stickers all over the fecking thing and I'm getting charged the commercial rate now. I use bridge twice a day commuting to work and compnay won't pay this but will pay if I go over it in the course of a job. I know that technically it is a commercial but I still think its a bit rough. Mate has a Nissan Pathfinder commercial, thing is bloody massive and he only pays the 1.80.
Re: Toll Bridge

Just started a new job and have a Ford Focus Car/Van that i have to take through the toll bridge twice a day at my own expense. They are now carging €3.30. Not happy.