Westlink Toll Bridge

from their forum

Re: Wag

ronan_d_john said:
I'm on his mailing list at the moment - which is probably in contravention of data protection by the way.
What makes you think this?
Re: Wag

RainyDay said:
What makes you think this?

Because it's unsolicited e-mail. He's keeping a list of people e-mail addresses and then using it as his audience for broadcast e-mails.

He gathered the mails by saying "Enter your e-mail address here and send a mail to the minister, ntr, the Taoiseach etc to tell them blah blah."

He didn't ask if the e-mail address could be kept, and used in the future to communicate with my. Nowhere was it mentioned that sending an e-mail of complaint also meant signing up for anything.

If you keep someone's e-mail address on file, you must ask them first. And you must separately ask if you can communicate with them at a later date.

Neither of these things did he do.
Re: Wag

RainyDay said:
Interesting - you might consider reporting this matter to the Data Protection Commissioner.

Have you seen the nightmare you have to go through to report something to the Data Protection Commissioner?

Been already trying for 3 months to try to get Aer Lingus to stop sending me e-mails.

Filter to trash.....
With regards to Mr.Bensons comments above about who is on the WAG -

Hi guys,

Sorry to keep you in the dark on this one. The steering committee was formed after a meeting in the Red Cow Inn in January.

The members are Ralph Benson, Tony Colley, Peter Coogan, Noel Morgan, Michael Fitzgerald, and Shane Ross. This is the group which has decided strategy so far, and attended meetings with Martin Cullen and so on. All of us have an interest or involvement in the areas of motoring and road safety in one way or another. I do the website: I'll update the homepage with more background info soon.

Best wishes, Ralph Benson

On their forum (which has now mysteriously disappeared), I asked for the details and backgrounds of the members to be provided since we had no way of knowing what the motivations were of the people mentioned, and whether or not they were just cronies and mates of the Senator.

It does seem however that Mr.Benson is webmaster for the Senator. While this is perfectly legitimate for being part of the WAG, it does whif of cronies and mates rather than a legitimate action group.

Later in the day....

Forum is here now - [broken link removed] - and it appears that Mr.Benson has removed my most recent post questioning the backgrounds of the people behind the WAG.

All very dodgy IMHO.
Re: Wag

ronan_d_john said:
Have you seen the nightmare you have to go through to report something to the Data Protection Commissioner?
Hardly a nightmare - It's a 1-2 page form with relevant details. I've been through the process last year, and my complaint ended up being one of the case studies in the Commissioner's [broken link removed] with the spamming ex-Councillor Jon Rainey being named & shamed by the commissioner.
the spamming ex-Councillor Jon Rainey being named & shamed by the commissioner.
Hi RainyDay,
If my question is offensive then I apologise in advance but would you have made the same complaint if he was a labour party councillor and not a former PD turned independent turned FG man?
I used to live in north Dublin and I could have heated the house for the winter with the crap I got through the door from the Labour party. I know it's different to sending stuff to your e-mail but it's the same thing in principal.