Wesley College Lights Ballinteer Dublin 16

  • Thread starter dlastharibo
  • Start date


I have a query about developments backing onto wesley college in ballinteer...(college park, dellbrook, wesley lawns, clonard etc). Having looked at a few houses here in the daytime, when I drove by at night there was a LOT of light pollution from the tennis courts/hockey pitches...could anyone tell me how frequently this occurs and if it is a major problem...or indeed if anyone else lives in a similar situation does it bother them...would it impact on resale value??? Thanks!!
my understanding on the lights for the hockey pitch is that they have to be turned off by a certain time under planning permission obtained from Wesley College, the school will advise what time the lights have to be turned off and most schools or hockey clubs have timers anyway to prevent lights being left on accidently

most pitches are rented and used at least 6 days out of 7, revenue is needed to pay for the pitches

if anything, I would have thought access to schools, sports etc would be a great plus factor

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Having good lighting around is a great help for security, plus the fact that its quite unlikely Wesley will forfeit their playing fields for apartment blocks.

My garden overlooks the playing fields and we have never had any problems. It is much nicer to see kids playing games from your back windows rather than looking out on another concrete monstrosity!

The location is excellent, with easy access to the luas, mountains, schools, shopping and the sea.
miselemas we must be neighbours, I'm in wesley lawns but my back garden is facing gort mhuire so welsey lights not an issue for me.

However as much as I love the area and have never had a problem, the rear window of my jeep was smashed last friday night - nothing in the jeep other than child seats. Marvellous eh?!
However as much as I love the area and have never had a problem, the rear window of my jeep was smashed last friday night - nothing in the jeep other than child seats. Marvellous eh?!
Maybe it was an environmentally conscious thief who targets urban 4X4 drivers?
I live about a mile away and have been broken into twice, once when I was in the house, and have had my car broken into as well.
ah no jeep bashing please, I feel 1000 times safer driving a jeep with my 3 babies strapped in......it's their immediate environment I'm trying to protect, there is too much carnage on the roads! I do my bit for the environment, not a whole pile admitedly but as they say " just change one thing...." - I'll do my bulbs but not my jeep!

Bad luck Kitten, probably kids coming through Wesley Lane.

Hopefully planning permission won't be granted for the apartment block with retail at the entrance to Clonard from the Sandyford Road. We are probably the most "retailed" community in Ireland and certainly don't need more. That lovely redbrick house has been there since 1843 and it would be a shame if the applicants get permission to knock it.
Something to bear in mind is that AFAIK, there is (or at least was) a plan to build a halting site (albeit a small one) in the vicinity of Gort Mhuire.

This will, doubtless, be a particular draw for those interested in the advancement of equal rights...........

Breakdown of Part V Agreements

Question: Councillor E. Costello
“To ask the Manager to give a break down of the agreements reached under Part 5 of the Planning and Development Act as to the:
number of units agreed to be on site;
number of units to be provided at another location;
cash in lieu of both of the above?”


Agreement has been reached under Part V for the provision of the following units on site:
121 no. units at Sandyford:
18 no. units at Stepaside
A 3 bay halting site at Gort Mhuire, Ballinteer
No agreement has been reached to date under Part V for units off site
No agreement has been reached to date under Part V for acceptance of a Financial Contribution
Miselemeas, I heard today that planning was absolutely rejected and there are about 10 different conditions of the rejection all that are fully visible on the planning website, i don't have a link, going to do a search now to see if I can get some further info.
Excellent news Kitten. Found it at http://planning.dlrcoco.ie/swiftlg/apas/run/WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=D07A/0670&backURL=%3Ca%20href=wphappcriteria.display?paSearchKey=211399%3ESearch%20Criteria%3C/a%3E%20%3E%20%3Ca%20href='wphappsearchres.displayResultsURL?ResultID=211399%26StartIndex=1%26SortOrder=rgndat:desc%26DispResultsAs=WPHAPPSEARCHRES%26BackURL=%3Ca%20href=wphappcriteria.display?paSearchKey=211399%3ESearch%20Criteria%3C/a%3E'%3ESearch%20Results%3C/a%3E
Planning refused 10 July
I expect they will revise and re-apply - will keep an eye out.