We're IN!

ya but at the 1st round stage, crazy, should have been in the group stages as top seed like the champions of Europe(love the sound of that) are ment to be.
notice the no country protection, uefa hope two english teams meet quickly to knock one out and go back to status quo.
whats the odds of that happening? I think there could be a well organised draw!!!!
ClubMan said:
"We"? Is gongey a Scouser as well?
He or she may just be English in which case it's OK to say "we" when referring to an English football team.
Clubman's sense of ethnic purity is getting out of hand.

Next he'll be telling us that you have to be born inside the shadow of the shopping centre in Phibsboro (Should that not read "international class stadium"? ed.) to be a true Bohs supporter.

Er, I just asked if gongey was a Scouser. I never made any value judgement here about using the term "we" if s/he is not even if I do have my opinions on this matter.
born and bred Corconian. Saw Liverpool play a League of Ireland side when I was 7 in Flower Lodge and was hooked on them from then on.

Is this not a point you raised in an earlier thread Clubman? what does the word "we " mean? Liverpool F.C. embraces all, so yeah I think I can use "we" as my affiliation and support for my football club goes back to when I was a kid and that support hasn't waned. Should following and supporting and loving a club and it's people be limited to domicled Scousers? Or maybe I have to be a player to use "we"?

Do you use the word we when following Bohs?
gongey said:
Do you use the word we when following Bohs?

Well, seeing that you ask, yes - not least of all because I am the third generation of my family to be a member (and thus a part owner), I live in the general catchment area, I attend as many matches home and away as possible and I have an active involvement in club in terms of attendance and helping out the odd time.
well let's compare. I'm first generation supporter, i attend home and away matches as often as I can, i help out by buying as much merchandise annually as I can afford and the catchment area for Liverpool F.C. is worldwide given it's global popularity thus even you could become a supporter!

lets hypothesise that Boh's were to become a global football force with supporters ranging from Peru to Phibsboro. could they use the word "we" in your opinion. or even if I decided to cut my City roots and live in Phibsboro and support Boh's, could I use the word "we" when talking about my new club?
I wasn't posting the information above as some sort of pissing contest. I was simply answering your question about if (and by implication why) I used the term "we" when referring to Bohs. However, as it happens, I personally do discriminate between somebody who is a mostly passive fan/consumer and somebody who is an active supporter of a particular club/team. Others are obviously free to differ.
ClubMan said:
I personally do discriminate between somebody who is a mostly passive fan/consumer and somebody who is an active supporter of a particular club/team. Others are obviously free to differ.

It is far easier for you to be what you call an "active supporter " when your team is just up the road, it is far more difficult when the club in question is 2 hours away by road+ 2 hours waiting to get on flight + 45m to fly over++++
in actual fact I would say the fans that do this on a semi regular basis are in fact more of a supporter of their club than one who walks just up the road for home matches. i don't know whether you areone of these or are one that travels to matches all over the country. I belive the likes of gongey and myself are every much intitled to say we when it comes to liverpool as you are of bohs.
well neither was I for that matter so no need to get testy! so would you reckon I pass as a passive supporter or an active one and am I entitled to use the word we when speaking about my team. you might need to change your criteria?
jem said:
It is far easier for you to be what you call an "active supporter " when your team is just up the road, it is far more difficult when the club in question is 2 hours away by road+ 2 hours waiting to get on flight + 45m to fly over++++

Well, that is precisely part of my point.

Actually I have around, and even outside of, this country to follow Bohs on more than one occasion.

I belive the likes of gongey and myself are every much intitled to say we when it comes to liverpool as you are of bohs.

Where did I say that you weren't?
gongey said:
well neither was I for that matter so no need to get testy!

Where did I get "testy"?

so would you reckon I pass as a passive supporter or an active one and am I entitled to use the word we when speaking about my team.

I personally consider people who buy the jersey and mainly watch their team on TV to be fans rather than supporters - a subtle but important differentiation. I don't really understand how people with no real affiliation or link to a club use the term "we" when speaking about them. But those are simply my opinions and, as I keep saying, others are free to differ.

you might need to change your criteria?

Not sure what you mean here by this question.
hot off the press......

Liverpool CL Ruling -

Only 4 Teams from England will qualify for the 2005/06 Champions
League, those teams are:

Man Utd

However there will be a special dispensation for Liverpool FC, he current holders of the cup, see below for details.

Liverpool WILL be allowed into the competition next Season, they cn by-pass the qualifying round, and go straight into the group section.

Only the top two from each group will be allowed to progress to the next stages however.

See below for further details.

If Liverpool FC finish 3rd in their respective group they will
be allowed to continue to the next stages, the knock-out rounds, because they are the holders of the cup.

All teams who enter the knock-out stages will be eliminated if they are beaten over the two legs, however, if Liverpool FC get beat over the 2 games in the knock-out stages, they will be allowed to continue in the competition because they are the current champions, and have won the cup an impressive five times.

This rule has been changed to make the Champions League a more fair and just competition, this rule will be valid throughout the knock-out stages, and will not, NOT be effective for the final, however.

If Liverpool get into next seasons final they may or may not be allowed to win/lose, even if they get beat by the other team, but in the event of a tie, or if they score more goals than their opponents, they will be allowed to lift the famous trophy, no extra time or penalties will be allowed, in the unfortunate event of the other team winning, we will again sit and adjudicate on whether or not this will be allowed, as they are the holders, our committee should grant them the cup, as we have granted them a place in the 2005/06 competition.

So congratulations go out to Liverpool FC, champions of Europe, 1977, 78, 81, 84, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 etc...