Welfare assistance/entitlement for couple in financial difficulties


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admin - I just re read the posting guidelines ,I can only see the suggestion re give specific information in the title. It took quite a while to complete , and I gave specific information and it's in the correct category as far as I can see. If your going to delete it again , as this is a family hardship case , I am only trying to help , is it possible you could expand on your comment ...."your here long enough you should know the guidelines" please ...thank you

My son ,23 , has become a father 4 months ago. He is on an apprenticeship ,on , year 3. On about ,510 a week after tax. His partner is not too long off maternity leave and has obtained a job on minimun wage , weekends only 20 hours perhaps. Car 2015 falling apart. Work for son is large drive , every day , lot of diesel.

They have couple small loans from credit union to help live , and very small savings.

Between eating , paying bills , for nappies milk etc , quite large maintenance bills on the car , they have really have nothing at end of month..non smokers non drinkers ..

His partner has an undergraduate degree in medical science , recently obtained...needs a master degree which will then allow that qualification to be used for employment...

Not a hope of paying for this master's degree, as any money earned will go for baby minding ...

If she could do the degree next year which will cost 7 grand , will take 12 months means , no work , no income , in order to study , travel expenses on top of the 7k for the degree ...it's a desperate situation, they live with his mother rent free , but try to help out there a bit , is there anything at all that the state could do to help financially? It's not like they are sitting around lazy doing nothing ...they just cannot increase their finances, caught every way , thanks

https://www.askaboutmoney.com/threads/any-help.237267/reply?quote=1894179 (Quote)
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Are you sure she can't get a job with a medical science degree.... Hospital labs surely?
Yes this was the plan. Unless your coru registered.No. the college she got her undergrad degree seems is near enough the only one where the degree is not coru registered.
In order to get Coru registered,a 12 month master's degree is required.
It's so frustrating for them ...when she has the degree completed lab work is where she wants to go ..and will get well paid employment..this makes it all the more frustrating for them unfortunately
Have they checked their eligibility for the Working Family Payment?

We were only talking about that earlier , they had been into citizens advice on 3 occasions and got conflicting information, they are going to go to a different office in next day or two and ask specifically about it. It seems it may apply I was reading about it online a few minutes ago ,I'm very surprised that they didn't suggest it, when they outlined the circumstances, which makes me think they might not be. Thank you
Well that's interesting...he actually works in Dublin and travels from my place which is near to city week days

However he stays at weekends and odd day at his mother's with the partner ...is there a regulation as regards time spent apart , what qualifies as " living together" I wonder ..
Financially they will do better to not be living together and for primary carer to claim Lone parents benefit.

Open to correction, but my memory is that she can qualify for BTE after a time.

Treoir are good for support and information also.
Thanks so much. Lone parents benefit. Ok that's very interesting, things are bleak trying to pay for continual car maintenance insurance tax etc , baby food , nappies , goes on and on ...if it meant living apart , needs must , that would be a pity , they are apart a lot of the week as he would never get to work in a reasonable time unless he stayed with me...working week ....I had never actually heard of Treoir before. I will pass that in to him. In a year or two they will get on their feet hopefully , it's just at the moment it's very bleak , hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel ..it is sad , they have a baby together and doing their best on meagre pay etc ..hoping that they might get even a small leg up , to make life a little more bearable , thank you

Ps What is BTE
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Back to Education allowance
Oh don't know anything about that, she just finished an undergraduate degree ....he in year 3 apprenticeship....would BTE , be relevant going back to do a 12 month master's degree so you think
Oh don't know anything about that, she just finished an undergraduate degree ....he in year 3 apprenticeship....would BTE , be relevant going back to do a 12 month master's degree so you think

I've linked to the qualifying details on my post above but it is hard enough to know in light of their situation if she would qualify. It would be best to check it out with Citizen's Information or perhaps Social Protection.
I've linked to the qualifying details on my post above but it is hard enough to know in light of their situation if she would qualify. It would be best to check it out with Citizen's Information or perhaps Social Protection.
Thanks for going to that trouble much appreciated
Thanks for going to that trouble much appreciated
Oh don't know anything about that, she just finished an undergraduate degree ....he in year 3 apprenticeship....would BTE , be relevant going back to do a 12 month master's degree so you thinking she out
If she out of full time education for 12 months. Could look at doing a course on springboard part time that could give her postgrad.
Hi Deco. Also if things are really tight, maybe talk to the Saint Vincent De Paul.
I think there might be a bit of a stigma in looking for help off the SVP.
But they look for money off everyone rich and poor so there should be no stigma in looking for help off them.
They might also be able to advise on dealing with the social welfare system.