Weight/exercise discussion site

Happy Girl

Registered User
I recollect some time back a poster mentioned a link to a site where weight/exercise issues are discussed. I have done a search but to no avail. Can anyone throw any light on this for me?
Louise, thanks a million. This is a brilliant girlie webpage with plenty of good informative advice . Think this might be my solution. Any time I feel the nibbles coming on just head for this webpage. Would get completely absorbed by it. Thanks a mil.
hey happy girl if you are looking to get fit I recently bought davina's workout, 3 x 30 minute work outs and a power of 3 dvd box set. While she does my head in (you can mute the talking) its the first exercise dvd that I've used and I'm sticking too the results show pretty quick. Also the fact you can just do 30 min workout it flies, she is very annoying but the work outs are good and her voice irritating motivates me to keep going! very impressed! especially with the weather being so bad lately its hard get out for a walk.
Check out www.bodybuilding.com. Bodybuilders are the best experts in the world at getting rid of bodyfat without starving. There are a lot of real experts posting there, and there are complete beginners as well.