Weekends - What to do with it?


Registered User
Was just wondering what do everyone do over a weekend? I mean other than doing your essential grocessery shopping...do you persue any hobbies? go movies? or bring home work ??

Just looking at options if I too can do something better, as of now...I think I just waste my weekends...

end of the post

My Response to the posts:

Hmmm thats a big checklist for me, I was also thinking of flying [I mean doing the commercial pilot license course], but when I contacted the aviation authorities they put me off with the price that I have to pay...probably I'm looking at something that is not too much based on money! I liked all the ideas posted ....thanks a million....!
Start a family- you'll never be bored again! Seriously though there are lots of really nice things you can do that won't cost much.

1. Get out and explore your city/ country side, take a picnic, go for a ramble.
2. Make/ build something! I've made some effective window boxes and planters from waste wood like pallets and packing cases- all costing practically nothing.
3.Do some gardening, plant some seeds, visit a formal garden or state forest.
4. Take up cycling.
5. Volunteer- join an organisation and get involved in your community.
6. Cook/ entertain- have some friends/ family over and prepare a nice meal/ have a BBQ (ok weather is a problem at the moment!).
7. Visit friends/ relatives.
8. Visit the cemetery, clean up a family grave.
9. Learn a new skill or hobby.
10. Visit a gallery or museum, meet a friend for lunch.
11. Look into something you've always wanted to do or try, then ask yourself what's stopping you from doing it?
Join one of the First Aid organisations. Get yourself a qualification and you might be needed at one of the major festivals or events!

Order of Malta
St John's Ambulance Brigade

Try a sport: basketball, tennis, badmington, rowing, rock climbing.... dunno where to find the information though. Get the whole family iinvolved - always great for kids to see their parents having hobbies.

(If we get enough this might turn into a Key Post, or even a Sticky! Ooooh the excitement!)
Saturday 8.00 ---Tee off in me Golf Club
Saturday 12.00 ---Toasted special, 2 Bud shandies and watch Premiership match in Golf Club

Saturday 3.00 ----Listen to "Premiersip Live" on mp3 player while gardening or doing jobs around the house

Saturday 8.00 --- Dine out with Mrs H.

Sunday 9.00 -- 2 hours in Gym
Sunday 11.00 -- Breckie
Sunday 12.00 -- Drive up the mountains for a good long walk.
Sunday 6.00 -- Superquinn
Sunday 7.00 -- Cook dinner and relax with DVD and bottle of Vino/ or Cinema
Sunday 11.00 --MOTD2

No chizlers yet so making the most of the weekends
When you have no chizlers weekends are for drinking, sleeping, eating and doing sfa (in that order)...............or you could do some further study that will keep you occupied

never ever bring work home
Years ago I wanted to take up hang gliding. Mrs Murt ruled in her infinite wisdom that it was too dangerous and that was that.

In hindsight, I regret not just ignoring her and telling her I was going fishing or something. It must be some buzz up there. Now I have kids so for me it's no longer an option, she might be right after all.

Play with Kids
Do Washing/Ironing
Clean house
Clean Car
Cook dinner(s)
Do Garden
Do Shopping
Go to Park with Kids
Go to Wicklow mountains with kids
Go out with Friends
Go Out with Wife
Go out with Friends and wife

The list goes on.

What you should be doing is trying to maximise the things that make you smile...
Mrs Murt is clearly a wise woman!!

Weekends these days are all about the garden - Cutting grass, chopping hedges and trees, composting, putting in new plants, decking, barbeques, beer in the evenings. Most if not all very enjoyable.

BK (Before Kids) it was all about beering till late, sleep in till late etc - all very simple and enjoyable at the time, we didn't know we were born.

Past 30
Weekends are for enjoying - never bring home work!!

I think at weekends it's good to have a mix of chilled-out time to relax, and also do some sort of hobby, to feel you achieved something.

For example, I have busy weekends where I go skiing in winter (I live in mainland europe) or go scuba-diving/sailing in summer.
I'd also have quieter weekends, where go for big long walks, meet friends for lunch/dinner / tidy out the house / cook a new recipe etc.

There are loads of things to do in Dublin :
- visit parts of the city you havnt been to before
- pick a new restaurant and go for lunch/dinner
- do sailing / windsurfing course in Dun Laoghaire
- get dart out to Killiney/ Sandycove and walk along by the sea
- walk up wicklow mountains
- paragliding lessons off Killiney hill
- visit galleries
- catch up on sleep
Anyone find that they are knackered on a Sunday even if didnt do much on the Saturday and have at least 1 sleep in??

My own theory is that it takes the mind & body a day to ease down, and then by Sunday it realises how tired you are.

Saturday often busy with shopping and DIY and maybe a bit of sport. Boozing only at home and normally not to any great extent. Sunday a day of sport usually whether playing or spectating.

Have occasionally brought work home - not something to get into the habit of but every so often its a pressure valve so you take the heat oout of the following week - and yes, if didnt scan and contribute to sites like this then maybe never have to bring work home - BUT some breaks are needed in any day to let the circuits cool
Best tip to fill your weekend - buy a fixer upper house. Last 12 months has seen us try gardening, carpentry, painting... the list is endless. Hard work but believe it or not really rewarding!!!
Betsy Og said:
Anyone find that they are knackered on a Sunday even if didnt do much on the Saturday and have at least 1 sleep in??l

I found I was knackered by 3pm last Saturday - a couple of hours trying to impart the mysteries of GAA football & hurling to 5 year olds will do that to you .

These days I go to work for a break
TarfHead said:
I found I was knackered by 3pm last Saturday - a couple of hours trying to impart the mysteries of GAA football & hurling to 5 year olds will do that to you .

These days I go to work for a break

I hope you didnt subject them to Cavan V Down, I've seen more dynamic junior club games.