weekend in Barcelona

R Flan

Registered User
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding good restaurants to go to in Barcelona or any general "must do" tips? First time going there so any help is greatly appreciated!!
Les Quinze Nits in Placa Reial is really nice! Placa Reial is about halfway down las ramblas and full of bars/restaurants so there is lots to see! Les Quinze Nits doesn't take reservations so don't be put off by the queue outside - it moves really quickly as there are lots of tables. There is a website if you google it I can't post the url.

The bus turistic (open top bus) is a great way to get around the main sites - you can then hop off whenever you come to something you want to explore further. Your hotel will probably sell tickets for this and advise of the nearest collection point or if not then you can buy tickets and get it from outside El corte Ingles by Placa Catalunya. Again there is a website if you google it, I can't post the url.

Barcelona is one of the best cities in the world - enjoy!

I'll second what Goggles said about the bus tour. I went to Barcelona about 5 years ago. As far as I can remember, there were two routes on the bus tour (but there may be three now). We bought a ticket that covered both routes and did one on the Saturday and one on the Sunday. You could hop on and off and there was plenty to see.
Appreciate the messages. Have heard it is quality and we are looking forward to going. have heard a lot of stories about muggings, pickpockets etc but will keep the eyes wide open! thanks again
There are plenty of pickpockets but I would say no more than any major tourist city - don't carry anything with you that's not necessary such as extra credit cards etc. just in case. Generally they want to grab and run so if you don't make it very easy for them you will be fine!
On the metro the most common trick for someone to hop on at a stop and do a lost of unnecessary jostling while taking wallets from those standing on the train - then hopping off at the next stop before anyone notices anything amiss!
I lived in Barcelona for over a year and was never robbed so no doubt you will be fine..
Another +1 for the hop-on hop-off tour in Barcelona. Have a look on Tripadvisor, I always find it a very good source for research. Enjoy your visit to Barcelona.
+1 for the bus tour. Definitely take the one that brings you to Gaudi's buildings and the Sagrada Familia.
Great city you will love it. I second di74 in saying to visit Gaudi's buildings.
The Sagrada Familia I would say not to bother going in as it is unfinished still.
I loved the poble Espanyol link here:
[broken link removed]
Lovely for a ramble around and there is loads of local crafts and it even has a glass blowing factory that you can watch them making stuff.
I'd head to Els Quatre Gats for a glass of wine or bite to eat. It is where Picasso apparently hung out - I love his work so reason why I went.
I also did some of the walking tours from the tourist office - found them interesting.
Some lovely sea food restaurants down at the quay, forgot to get names.
Enjoy it and mind your belongings.
+1 for El Quatre Gats. If you only go into 1 Gaudi building make it Casa Batlo (but preferably make it into more!). Park Guell great to stroll around.