Weeds Pushing Through Recent Tarmac


Registered User
We had the drive freshly tarmacked back in December. Today to our disgust, we've noticed some weeds beginning to push through the tar.
Is this normal after four months? What can be done to sort it out? Presumably if something isn't done, the situation will get progressively worse.
Is there a weedkiller which might work in these circumstances?
Do we have any recourse to the contractor?
a neighbour of mine had the same happen her, unfortunately she only got joe bloggs to do it and had no comback.
in her situation all she could do was tear it up and get it done proper.
but i would imagine after 4 months you would have a come back or guarantee with the contractor because obviously it was not done right
we had a similar problem and contacted the company that laid it. Not sure what they did as we weren't there, but it looked like the damaged parts were cut or dug out and new tarmac put in their place. It dosen't sound great but it was hardly noticable afterwards. I would imagine the contractor would be liable so worth you while to contact them.
a good contractor would apply a weed proof liner,a cheap one doesn't.
Paulfree is correct. the contractor should have used a liner, this is a geo-textile which is simply rolled out and prevents weeds etc from coming through. Some times its needed sometimes its not but the constractor should be responsible. I dont think there is any solution other than ripping it up and starting again. The contractor is def responsible.
What was on the ground before the tarmac was done? Did you overlay existing tarmac?

Tarmac should be put down on at least 4" of compacted hardcore. No weeds will every come up through this.

Sounds like a botch job.
I've seen this problem recently on a public footpath which was completed by a (reputable) private contractor. It's amazing how the weeds can come up through it. In this case the weeds have just been sprayed but I don't know how or when they will carry out remedial works.