Wee wee's in the potty.


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From yer vast collective experiance, what is the normal age to potty train. Is 22 months too young?
Depends on the child. If you were to believe Gina Ford even younger! From personal experience mine were two and a half before REALLY being ready. BTW bribes help. Eg a mini smartie for a wee wee and a big smartie for d'other.
Think you may be right Vanilla, just finished mopping up wee wee from the floor :D.
My daughter has took a fancy to a potty someone gave us and she says wee wee and sits on it. I thought it would be an idea to whip off her pants and see if she was ready, maybe not just yet!. Although I'll probably give it another try just to be sure.
Well, my youngest is two since april and she goes to the potty in imitation of her big sister but it's a complete accident if she actually goes while there! So def not ready. I'm of the 'they'll go when they're ready' school so am not bothered really.
Gawds! my youngest didn't come out of nappies til she was well past three, and that was only because she was starting nursery and they wouldn't take her in nappies. I just whipped it off one day, took her to the toilet and told her from now on, that's where she goes. Dry, day and night from then on. First to admit though, I probably left it a wee bit late. :eek: Neither of us was in a rush though.

Don't forget to keep it to show Daddy when he gets home. :D
Gawds! my youngest didn't come out of nappies til she was well past three, and that was only because she was starting nursery and they wouldn't take her in nappies. I just whipped it off one day, took her to the toilet and told her from now on, that's where she goes. Dry, day and night from then on. First to admit though, I probably left it a wee bit late. :eek: Neither of us was in a rush though.

Don't forget to keep it to show Daddy when he gets home. :D

Or maybe to show to Mammy when she gets home.
Judging by my nieces/nephews (I don't have kids) the reward system, as Vanilla suggested, seems to work very well - my sister and in-laws used a chart onto which gold stars were stuck. Worked a treat.
According to the new god of parenting, David Coleman, you shouldnt rush in or put too much pressure as the dissappointment of not succeeding can end up delaying things further.

I gather that 2 is the minimum, and by about 3 its probably time to make a concerted effort, but generally be led by the interest shown by the child. Wee man of just over 2 but, while some interest, not quite ready yet.

p.s. found Coleman's book good, its fairly intuitive - no madcap trendy theories, no "leap of faith - trust me it works" type stuff.

Guff like "time out" and "bold steps" and all that crud on Nanny 911 etc really puts me off, guilt tripping and psychological warfare on your young uns is a bridge too far for me, while I'm not for slapping if I had to choose one I'd nearly guess that a slap on the bum is less damaging to the child than wrecking their heads.

While the Gina Ford baby ideas worked fairly well (by not taking them too seriously or rigidly) I dont like the dogmatic tone that seems to surround her ideas.
While the Gina Ford baby ideas worked fairly well (by not taking them too seriously or rigidly) I dont like the dogmatic tone that seems to surround her ideas.

I had friends who SWORE by Gina Ford, I could never get into her way of thought, as I recall she seemed a bit "my way is the right way".

The UK and Ireland seems to be going the way of the US with "time out" and naughty steps. My youngest loves watching these Nanny shows, I think she likes to bask in the glory of not being like those naughty kids.

Didn't mean to take away from the topic at hand, just throwing another 2 cents in.

Definatly agree with the idea of waiting til the child shows an interest, although I heard once it's possible to potty train a baby as young as three months, how the heck you do that is anyones guess!
although I heard once it's possible to potty train a baby as young as three months, how the heck you do that is anyones guess!

Probably involves leaving them on the potty all day or some other such crazy idea.

(on the 911 thing, I've heard some kids go copying what they see on these shows :eek:, so beware letting kids see too much of them....)
I heard once it's possible to potty train a baby as young as three months,

Think they do it in Japan, they read their babies faces and when they see that they may be ready, they put them over the potty and whisper in their ear something soothing no doubt. Have a new born also, don't think I'll be trying that one :)
Time out for warring children does work... I was doing it 20 years ago so it's not really new.

On the potty front, definitely wait rather than rush into too soon.

I'm not a big fan of sweets as a reward - star chart if you have to, but in all honesty praise and a big hug is plenty reward. At this age, essentially, they still have a strong need to please you and will be very happy that they have done so.

When I was in the middle of it along with group of friends, we had a large bag of cotton shorts that we swapped between us when potty training(and boil washed when done!). It was very handy to have for the first few weeks when accidents are pretty common.
When my oldest was about 2½ I decided I'd pottytrain him - what a joke - after one morning of 5 changes of clothes I gave up. Giving it consideration in hindsight I decided it was impossible to control when another person goes to the toilet and never attempted to potty train him or any of the other children again. Instead I just waited until the child was ready - really believe that the child has to be able to recognise the sensation of needing to go to the toilet and to be able to hold it until they reach the toilet and when that happens they potty train automatically. My three (that are trained) were on the older side from 2 yrs 11 months to 3 years 4 months but it all happened in one day in the end and they never had an accident and trained day and night the same day (can't really understand why some kids are trained during the day and 2 years later are still in nappies at night!)
I think if a child is old enough to know what he/she is doing in the nappy then they are ready to be trained. Interestingly, dealing with parents from eastern europe, they potty train from 18 months. It's a good idea when the weather is warm to take off the child's nappy and replace it with underwear during the day. The child learns to recognise when they are wet - where the super absorbant nappies don't allow them to get this message. Good luck.Lots of patience is what's required.
Going through it at the moment (though at my age you'd think I'd have been potty trained by now :D)
We have a 3 yr old who is going around the house in his pjs doing the business everywhere but the bathroom. He's got older siblings and they were no problem to train when they were ready for it (age varied) but I've come to the conclusion this guy is just too lazy to bother! Got to stick to it as the place he's starting in September requires children to be potty trained
Any tips for encouraging a 4-year-old to give up her nighttime nappy would be very welcome. She hasn't had a daytime accident for months, but she still wets just about every night. We've tried the reward system sporadically, but she just doesn't seem that bothered.