Wedding Present



Hi everyone,
My Auntie got married last Friday and I didn't get her a wedding present! Bad I know, especially since I was her bridesmaid!
I wanted something really original and couldn't find anything to suit! Any ideas? Want to have it before they come back from honeymoon.
It's hard to recommend something for someone you don't know.

However, perhaps as part of a present, you could do up a photobook of pictures from the wedding (you could use - I've used them and they are good) as I'm sure the couple will be dying to see photos.

Unusual presents that I've heard people say were their favourite wedding gifts include:
- a photo from the turn of the century of both spouses' home towns (got from the Historial Picture Company, I suspect) framed together;
- a courting seat (maybe if they have a garden a loveseat would be appropriate either)
- two hurleys (the couple were living abroad and now fascinate their neighbours when they go out for a puc about!).