Wedding Present cost


Registered User
Going to three weddings between now and middle of September, all are sons/daughters of friends. Any idea on how much we should spend.
What can you afford? Been to a few weddings recently and have given €100.

Pick your presents wisely, got married a couple of years ago and got some woeful stuff, that just sits in a box and takes up space.
A quick question - our son is getting married early next year & we will be giving them cash. When should we give it to them - I don't want to give it to them to early (as it'll seem funny not giving them anything around the wedding time) but don't want to leave it to late (as they'll be needing money to pay for wedding items). So any suggestion out there - first kid off our hands so no previous experience!!!
Why not ask your son when he'd like the money? Or offer to pay for for some of the wedding expenses in advance (deposit on reception venue or photographer, flowers, suits, etc.) If you feel odd about not giving something on the actual day, you could always buy something small, or a personalised gift such as an engraved picture frame for their favourite wedding photo.
Thanks for the suggestions - should have thought of asking them DOOH!! I think I will get them a small gift & give it to them just before the day. Just hope I don't make an eejit of myself & cry at the wedding!!!
When do you give a wedding present? do you give it at the reception?
Would there usually be a set place that all the presents are put or do you give it to the best man or bridesmaid at the reception?
Thanks for the suggestions - should have thought of asking them DOOH!! I think I will get them a small gift & give it to them just before the day. Just hope I don't make an eejit of myself & cry at the wedding!!!

I assume you are the mammy, in which case you will most likely cry at the wedding and sure theres nothing wrong with that.
When do you give a wedding present? do you give it at the reception?
Would there usually be a set place that all the presents are put or do you give it to the best man or bridesmaid at the reception?

If you can give it before the wedding, that's usually better as it saves the couple from having to transport too much stuff from the venue after the wedding. Although if that's not possible, they can be given at the reception. I've never seen a dedicated gift table at an Irish wedding (it seems to be a very American concept) so any gifts that are brought to the wedding are usually stashed somewhere out of the way. They can be given to the bride and groom, or to the best man/bridesmaid.