Wedding music


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Hi, I am trying to do up the wedding music list and my church musician did give me a list already, but I don't know what half of them sound like. I will probably go with what he said mostly, I am going to go with Canon in D to start and Eagle Wings etc., For the closing section we are having 'All you need is love' and we also need to choose another closing song. Does anyone have any suggestions please on songs to use throughout the ceremony, on what you heard or had at your own wedding which you thought was really good? Thanks for any input.
It's very dependent on what you like and also what your musician is prepared to play.

Take her/his list and look up the tunes on youtube - you'll find that you know most of them to hear.

A favourite of mine is Caccini's Ave Maria - but that only works if you've a singer that can do it well.

In my opinion I find the Bach/Gounod and Schubert ones over played and now where near as nice.

Note that some churches are strict on the music that is played and it must be religious. What one person recommends may not be possible for you.
Think about the music that you love and go from there. If there's a piece that you would particularly like to have at your wedding, all you have to do is ask if it's ok to play it in the church. I had a piece by The Damned at mine, and there were no objections! That being said, it was a rare instrumental piece by them, and not their usual punk stuff. It sounded fabulous played on the harp!
have a look at this website:
(I've no connection with this website/band)

I found the site useful when selecting the music for my wedding, as was YouTube. Also, have a search for wedding singers/music - lots of the websites have songs with recordings so you can get an idea of what the song is.

We had the Pachelbel Canon in D, 'Song of Ruth' & 'Nella Fantasia' - can't recall the others we had.
I'm curious too.
Music head too, and the good captain was a friend of my Mother

It was The Portrait, from the Anything album. Kewl that your mother was friends with one of the nuttiest people I know! (I was in the dressing room after a gig one time, and he flung a metal bowl across the room, smashing several bottles of booze)
Veritas has a bunch of wedding music cds that you can ask to listen to in the shop.
Buying a few wedding music CDs is probably the best option. Amazon and any music store have loads.

Additionally, on the web there are lots of resources. One example of where such music can be found is on wedding sites or band sites...for example:

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Do you mean wedding songs?

Have you heard "When I take Your Hand"? This song is one of the finest wedding songs. Another alternative is "You're All My Reasons". This song also fits as the first dance at weddings. These two songs are from artist shaun barrowes.