wedding in vegas


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we have booked a week in vegas as a little engagement present to ourselves(yes we do love ourselves dont we). just wanted to know if we decided while we were out there to get married would it be legal here or would we have to apply for a licence before we go?
Congrats! I don't think you need a licence for Vegas in general, but you should check that a marriage there is legally valid in Ireland.
From personal experience

You go into clark county registry office, present your passports, pay the licence fee (not sure how much, but not a lot), you receive licence for marriage. Bring licence to pastor / church where cermony is performed & the pastor / church will perform cermony & give you your marraige certificate.

Get married in a helicopter above lake las vegas on way back from ground cermony at base of grand canyon! - Its quite different and very enjoyable!

Regarding legality here - as long as you have been married according to the laws of the place you got married it is valid in Ireland. The bank / tax office may want a copy of the cert.

Its very simple, very cost effective and allows you have a great party back at home without the pomp & cermony attached.
As long as you follow the rules for Nevada marriage, you will be fine. You can check out to preplan the license stuff and pick a cool place for your wedding. They are so many chapels and themes to choose from! Congratulations!

At the end of the day it's your decision but I think you might regret it in years to come if you were to go ahead.

Why??, we don't all want the big white wedding - speaking for myself I would love to get married in Vegas, can think of no worse way to get married then the white dress church routine, chicken and ham in some crap overpriced hotel in Ireland! Seen one you seen em all!
I just got married in Las Vegas and had big fun, and a very nice ceremony in a non-tacky chapel with a proper minister.
I don't see how that could be bad as long as you do not want to spend thousands of euros inviting people you do not even know to a huge wedding.

As for the legallity in Ireland, you have to ask for an apostille. Most of the chapels are willing to handle that themselves. Anyway, they will provide you that information when you go get the marriage license.

Good luck and enjoy!
My sentiments exactly! Went to a wedding last year in a Vegas themed chapel and it was fabulous. It was preplanned through and I would recommend you contact a service since you are not local. The Golden Nugget also has wedding packages--you can research at ; sometimes you can actually save money using a service as opposed to doing it yourself.

Why would thye regret it ? Surely the marriage is more important than the actual wedding itself. Some people seem to put too much emphasis on the big day itself and forget that marriage itself is actually more important.
In a way i'd love to do it but i also want a wedding here. Wedding is booked here for next year but if we make it to the golden anniversary i'm renewing my vows in Vegas!
It's mad the way people are so different. Just following on from the other (Weddings are boring thread) I always said if I get married I would do it in Vegas. I would hate the big dress and the fantail melon too!

Depending on what kind of person you are, I don't think you will regret it at all. Good Luck with it.
It's a great time to plan a wedding in Vegas. Hotels are offering deep discounts--even for suites---and there are many theme options as well as traditional weddings. It will pay off to shop around--here are some good sites to compare prices for both hotels and weddings: [broken link removed]
We got married in Vegas, at 10 o'clock at night. It was pre-planned, about 3 months before hand, and we had 4 close friends with us.

We had a wedding party on our return, we had a chocolate cake, buffet style finger food and a few bottles of bubbly in a room in a pub, for the parents and siblings etc, and I wore my dress again and had a bouquet of flowers for photos and we had a ball.

We have never been asked for an apostille. Can't imagine under what circumstances we would need one, can anyone share their experiences on this ?

I can thoroughly recommend getting married in Vegas, it was a great night.
