Wedding gift from Bridesmaid



My friend is getting married this weekend and I am doing bridesmaid for her. Have never been a bridesmaid before and I am just wondering how much I should give as a present??
Guests usually spend €150 - 250 per couple. as a close friend, bridesmaid I would say €300+ in my opinion. That is what I would spend.
I think 300+ is excessive really, I got the average from my bridesmaid which was about 200 (which is a fairly hefty sum aswell) and i would never have expected anything extra from her just because she was the bridesmaid.
yeah but the way I see it, and it is only in my opinion, because they are a good friend or family member, money should not be so much an issue and you would tend to be more generous.
"money should not be so much an issue and you would tend to be more generous." - all well and good if you have the money but I have to say that most weddings I've attended have cost me an arm and a leg just to go, never mind the present.

I made a decision last year after taking my second pay cut from work that I was not going to give any couple whose wedding I was invited to more than 250 euro no matter who they are. Majority of cases it will be 200 euro.

I'm attending a wedding of a good friend in October, its looking like my partner may not be able to attend as it is mid week and he is self employed and can't take the days off. So I'm def leaning more towards 200 euro, especially if I'm going alone.
300+ is a ridiculous sum to expect from one person. Weddings cost guests far too much as it is IMO. The celtic tiger days are over!!
€300 from a bridesmaid (or any other single guest) is crazy.
As a friend of the bride, you must have a good idea of what the couple would like.
I would be looking at €100-€150 max.
would you consider getting them a gift and a smaller sum of money - perhaps a mirror with the 2 family crests or their family names.
I think it is only in later years, when an aunt or uncle dies, that you look at a clock or set of china that you got as a wedding present and remember them fondly.
money is welcome at the time but easily forgotten.