Wedding Dress Suits - Approx Cost


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Does anyone know from experience what approximately would be the cost for dress suits for groom, best man, 2 groomsmen, 2 fathers and usher.

I realise that this can vary greatly depending on choice, etc but just looking for a ballpark figure.
roughly 11 to 12 hundred euro....

I had the same numbers last year for my wedding
Around 150-175 a head last August in Dublin with Aston Formal wear.
(And the service was v good)
Black tie starts at about 100 per person - fiance said that they couldn't have been more helpful.
Think I paid about 500 all in with Black Tie - myself, best man, groomsman 2 fathers, even rented the shoes! Best to go to them and have a chat to see what they can do.
Blacktie used to offer €100 voucher in one of the wedding magazines..think it was Confetti..worth buying a copy of the magazine if you were hiring with them. They honored the one we had even though we didn't hire the minimum number of suits. We used them two years ago and I think it was about €100 a head. We went to Westmoreland St branch and received great service