wedding cash gift in your country



I've been invited by an Irish collegue to his wedding, near Dublin. I have no idea about how I have to proceed : how much money I have to give them? (in Spain, the usual thing is giving money) or should I buy a present?
Some informations, for you to value: They are getting married in a 4 star hotel, and I'm going from Madrid to expend the whole weekwend there.
Thank a lot and sorry about my English!
most couples prefer cash as they're living together most likely already and have their home kitted out.
A cash gift is usually given to cover the meal and drinks costs - around 100 per guest in my experience was the rule of themb but this has probably dropped since the downtourn to 70-80 per head.
but then again in your case, you are flying in from abroad and have had to pay for all of that....
They may have a wedding gift list, registered in a department store. Otherwise, simply give what you can afford! Personally, I would be thinking along the lines of €50 for a colleague, given the cost of attending the wedding.

Alternatively, you could buy something in Spain that would not be available here. Maybe something hand-crafted, such as a photo frame?
They have not a wedding gift list, but I think some money (50 euros) and a souvenir from Spain could be a good idea.
Thanks a lot for your answers!