Wedding afters.. gift protocol


Registered User
Hi, I have been invited to the afters of a wedding, somebody I meet occasionally through work. What is the generally accepted protolcol regarding gift? We work in the IT sector, gross salary approx €50K. Thanks.
Fairly minimal to be honest. Do you know anyone else in the same boat? maybe pool together?

We had a few afters and i know a few guys got together to get something. Still waiting for it almost 4 years later!!
Bottle of champers is always nice.
They'll have it in their fridge for months afterwards and everytime they see it they'll say "Oh, landmarkjohn got us that, isn't he just a darling"
Bottle of champers is always nice.
They'll have it in their fridge for months afterwards and everytime they see it they'll say "Oh, landmarkjohn got us that, isn't he just a darling"

Agreed with this, or pool with a few others that you know who are going to the afters, and bung the money in a card, or get a nice gift between the lot of you.
Wouldn't be expected to chip in more than 50 euro,TBH, for the afters.
I've given a €50 gift card a couple of times for debenhams and the couples were happy that they could put it towards kitchenware that they mightn't have bought otherwise due to the price.
E50. Far too much for the afters IMO.

If they really wanted you there they would have invited you to the whole thing. Obviously they don't know you that well and you are just a casual friend.

Pool funds with others in the same boat and buy a joint present.

Bottle of champers is always nice.
They'll have it in their fridge for months afterwards and everytime they see it they'll say "Oh, landmarkjohn got us that, isn't he just a darling"

months ?? maybe in your house:D

gettin married in 8 weeks myself and to be honest we don't expect much from the afters