Wedding Abroad


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Am just back from a wedding in Nerja, Spain and the place was great, lovely venue, picturesque, small town with nice people, great weather.
Have just got engaged myself and we are pondering a foreign wedding, can anyone give some feedback on different places they may have been on weddings abroad?
I have checked a few of the boards here, and at, but they havent really answered this question.


Hi my sister got married abroad last year. Initally everyone was moaning a bit about the expense etc but when we arrived we had an amazing time! the only thing I would say it lacked is that everyone was in different accomodation so even though we were there for a few days we didn't get to see a lot of each other so make sure you fit in a nice family dinner or something. My sister got married in florence in castello vincigliata, we honestly felt like we were in a film for the whole day ! We were drinking champagne and dancing on a balcony overlooking the city and countryside truly fabulous! It also worked WAY cheaper than Ireland at about 10 k for castle top class caterers, wedding planner and free bar for the whole night. That said I would like to get married at home as there were a few people who either couldn't afford it or couldn't make it and I felt it was a lot more family oriented at other weddings I have been to. Depends on the type of person you I guess !!
It also worked WAY cheaper than Ireland at about 10 k for castle top class caterers, wedding planner and free bar for the whole night.

It only worked out cheaper for the bride and groom. It worked out dearer for the guests.
tink - we did up a guest list which is about 50-50 split family friends as my family is huge, but I expect some will not be able to make it if it is abroad, so reckon on approx 2/3 friends and 1/3 family - which is a goos mix I think.

brodiebabe - the expense for others is a factor, but in Ireland you spend lots of money without even noticing - we spent nearly 500 between us going to a friends wedding in wexford recently incl hotel, gift, petrol and drink on the day.
If we do have the wedding abroad, we will not be asking for gifts, only for people for come over, I think that is fair.

Pique318 - where in Italy did you go for?
Crumble, we went to and had a civil ceremony. The place was beautiful, so relaxing and the scenery was beautiful (right on the coast). Cetraro is a long way from Naples though, and Italian drivers are mental, but you can get the train and then either go to Sicily or Amalfi as the village beside the hotel is just that, a village.
Hi Brodie, yes it was but at the end of the day only her immediate family had to go! Some people didn't cos they couldn't afford it but that was fine, it's by choice, also a few people made a 2 week holiday out of it ..
We got married in Rome- organised it ourselves. My sister and her husband came at their own choice.

We had our honeymoon in Italy after spending five nights in Rome.

We had a party for 100 people in Clontarf Castle when we came back.....had a wonderful time. Highly recommend and everyone was happy! Wouldnt change a thing about the whole experience!
We got married in Tuscany just under two years ago in a small place called Cortona. IT WAS AMAZING. If I had to do it all again I would

We booked a large villa for the week and all the Wedding party and some guests stayed here. Others in local hotels in the near by village.

They guy who owns the Villa specializes in hiring the Villa for Weddings. While 90% of the organization is down to you he has all the contacts you need to at hand. Choice of florist, caterers etc..and yes the food was also amazing. 7 courses of beautifully cooked fresh food. He has an online system where everything is organized via his website. All very handy.

To be honest with you I am so happy we got married abroad. It was really relaxed - no fuss and yes albeit there were times were we could have throttled both families prior to the wedding it was great having everyone around for a few days. We all meet up fro drinks a few days before hand etc...After the Wedding we had a huge BBQ in the Villa grounds to shake of the hangovers.

We only had 39 guests. The short list caused a few problems as some elderly relatives didn’t travel. But both my wife and I always only wanted a small guest list.

Anyhow I’ve no affiliation to the place except I couldn’t recommend it enough.
We got married in Rome last year, small party of 20 and it was fantastic. We organised the whole thing ourselves (websites, help from friends who had married in Rome and word of mouth), honeymooned in Italy and we have a whole month of unbelievable memories. We too felt the day itself was like being in a film. The best thing we ever, ever did, two of our friends are getting married in Italy next year and we can't wait to go back.
A lot of Irish are setting up wedding planning shop abroad. (I know, I need to stop spending my days looking at other peoples' weddings) has that real wedding section and you can see how other people got on.

A few organizers that could point you in the right direction are
Getting Married in
Catalan Weddings
Mediterranean Weddings

Good luck!
We are getting married in Tuscany in a few weeks.
We have dropped our wedding planner and are doing the rest ourselves.

The planner turned out to be an exploitation merchant, with additional hidden costs, unfair terms and conditions, deliberate delay and disruption to discussion of a dispute in order to use leverage of the impending big day, pure lies about the paperwork process (the church wont deal with wedding planners, so if you want a full religious ceremony, don't use a planner except for the venue).
Basically the service quoted should have cost 3,200 incl. VAT.
If we had not realised what was going on, the total the planner would have made would be 7,000 + expenses (yes, expenses for phone calls, mileage etc. were not included in the fee!)
This includes skimming 15% from payments to the hotel (supposed to negotiate the best rate as they do not charge for this element of the wedding - hah!).

I won't name names and the dispute is not resolved as yet.
I was just wondering if people would like to state:
1. The cost of the wedding abroad.
2. The cost of the wedding planner.
3. Ceremony: Civil, Religious, Civil+Blessing, Civil+Full Religious, Religious incl. civil (i.e. all by priest at the ceremony)
4. Country.

I think this could be an eye opener.
ps. I don't know the legal implications of naming wedding planners?
We got married almost 7 years ago in America.
My sister & her husband live over there, so they could help with the arrangements.
We have a very small (6 guests!) wedding outside in the garden of an old inn (BIG plus with weddings abroad is that you can pick a place that is almost guarenteed good weather!!), and had a lovely dinner afterwards.
It was so relaxed, and as we didnt invite anyone from here, no one could complain about being left out.
When we got back to Ireland, we hired out the top room in a pub, decorated it up, had a small buffet, sausage & chips - and invited everyone. Had an absolute blast. Got to dress up in wedding dress again, but we were all so much more relaxed, and not wrecked from the day.
Would totally recommend doing something like this - and we didnt spend very much at all - the biggest expense was the tickets to America.
Go for it!!!
We got married abroad and loved it, the only thing is be very careful there are wedding planners out there that will sell you the sun moon and stars but will let you down on the day. Make sure you do your research.
we got married in rome 2 years ago and it was the best ever!!! we had a week in rome then went on to sorrento for a week and then to sicily for a week, our family and friends are still talking about it , there were about 35 of us and it was so special and we organised it all ourselves. i wouldn't change a single thing about it, it was so magical....
We attended a family wedding last year just outside Cortona in Tuscany, and as guests I thought it was excellent.
A few things though, more of the grooms family attended than was anticipated, so the 50-60 people became more like 100 (at about €80 per head for meal and wine, this was an unplanned expense). The villa for the wedding only has about 15 rooms, so others headed off to a close by hotel - this meant that the couple did a lot of to-ing and fro-ing back and forth, as none of the people in the hotel booked car hire (and the villa people ended up doing a lot of taxi-ing).
The bridal couple ended up doing a lot of the wedding co-ordination, even though they had a good planner, best man and chief bridesmaid... on the wedding day the groom was rounding up bridesmaids to get hair and make up done! And he was also co-ordinating lifts for people to the church, as the bus was full!
The service was slightly different to the Irish service, so our section managed to 'miss' the collection, as we weren't expecting it!
As for the wedding, it was wonderful, the church, service, villa, photos, meal, music, fireworks were all amazing....
If I was doing it again myself, i'd definitively look at Tuscany...
We got married in Lanzarote and it was really very special, Everything was organized for us exactly the way we wanted it with absolutely no fuss and about one third of the cost.. guaranteed sunshine and scenery. 50 guests went over and what a celebration it was. Anne Lenighan was the ladies name that organized everything and such a sweet lady she is, along with her husband to be Leo...
I've heard excellent things about Amore Weddings! You can see the results for yourself in [broken link removed]. Lisa Crotty, the wedding planner did La Dolce Vita on p122. The couple are actually on the cover of the magazine and they look pretty happy.